graphic links

I found most of the graphics on my website at these sites. Some are links to good places to look for graphics and some are from people that I have traded links with. If you would like to trade links, go to my linkback page. To the best of my knowledge all the graphics on my webpages are public domain or require a link back. If you find a graphic that is yours, please let me know and I will remove it or give proper credit to you. If you would like to add a grahic to my page, you can e-mail me and if it fits into my topics I will be glad to add it. Check back often for new links. Thanks janapoel

Randi's Graphics Collection

ShadyLady's Horror Gifs

The art of Jason Cooper

Imagination Animation

Celine's Gifs

Andy's Art Attack

Plum Crazy over Purple

Witch Way


ClipArt Castle

The Tom Leykis Show

Pagino's Paradise

If it's purple ... everything thats purple

Extreme Botanicals

ShanMonster's Gothily Animated PerkyWeb Graphics


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