The Professors

Joe Pacheco Ruy Couto Eric Dacosta Dave Basa

Mike Alvelais Toby Huey Valerie Masters

Mateo "Ma Bell" Anthony Bartoni Lance Mckeen

Two Barons of the Arena

Being a Professor isn't about being number 1, its about all about your team, and spending time with a cool bunch of people. A Professor would rather play with his friends and lose, rather than drop that friend to win.

The Professors were founded in Castro Valley California. The original 4 Professors consisted of Joe, Ruy, Eric, and Dave. The captain was (and still is) Ruy. Before the Professors were called "the Professors", the team was nameless, and defaulted to "Ruy's Team". They all agreed that that sounded silly, so they put their heads together and chose "The Professors". Soon afterward Mike Alvelais joined the team, followed by Toby Huey, and then Valerie Masters (Official Cheerleader). Later came Mateo and then Anthony. In July of 1998 none of the original 4 Professors were able to make a tournament, so we needed some part time Professors. The Professors managed to add Justin, Thomas, and Abbot to the group, and they played that tournament as team YMB (You're my Bitch) - instead of "The Professors" out of respect for the original 4. Lance Mckeen has always been a Professor, and continues to play as one from time to time. Lance's son, Dan has also been a Professor. Spam over on the East Coast has been deemed Honorary Dean of the Professors.

Joe "Pimp Daddy" Pacheco

Joe "Mac Daddy" Pacheco A Coast Gaurd hero of 6 months.. Still a pimp in most if not all Q-ZAR arenas even if I havent played in 5 months. When I make my come back to the Q-ZAR world, Toby the film student will learn that I can still get suped off him just like the old days. What more can I say other than "I LOVE YOU GUYS"

Ruy Couto

Damn Eric for getting me started playing Q-Zar. I knew that I would get hooked, so I resisted as long as I could. 5 years later I’m glad that I play. I love the competition. I have made lots of new friends and keep adding more to my q-family. Most of all, I had the chance to meet and play with the Professors, people that have become more than Q-zar budds, but my real friends. Friends that I will see no matter what happens in the Q-world. Dave, Joe, Mike, Eric, and Toby the first time the Professors played at a tournament, to last time with Anthony and Mateo, there’s a lot of great memories in there for me. The Professors might not play together anymore but we will never die.(PWND)

Eric "EZFOOCHEESY" Dacosta

Eric isn't too sure on what he wants to say about himself just yet.

Dave Basa

Dave isn't too sure on what he wants to say about himself just yet.

Mike Alvelais

Michael Alvelais is currently an engineering student at De Anza College in Cupertino. He is a Senior Officer of De Anza Security and also provides research for Morgan & Kaufman Publishing in San Fransisco. His first Q-zar team was "The Muckers". Mike's current hobbies are playing computer games, chess, and of course STAR-WARS!!!!!!

Toby Huey

Toby is a film student attending San Jose State University. He is the current manager of California Laser Cafe (CLC) in Pleasanton, and former manager of Q-Zar Dublin. Founder of Team YMB. Toby's says that his favorite hobby is getting supercharge off fellow Professor Joe Pacheco.

Valerie Masters

Official "Q-Zar Hottie" of the West Coast and Official Professor Cheerleader. Valerie works for a honda dealership doing internet used car sales ( she takes the pretty digital pictures and upload the info onto Autobytel) She is a second year college student majoring in Liberal Arts and/or Computer Engineering...she hasn't decided yet : ) Valerie started playing with the professors as an alternate and was adopted onto the team...She has become the official team cheerleader, keeping our spirit alive and the negativity to a minimum. She's the official Qzar hottie : )~ and supplier of backrubs and candy.

Mateo "Ma Bell"

Mateo MaBell has no job and doesnt go to school although he does have the I.Q. of 165 he would rather watch old episodes of Leave it to Beaver. He plans on going to New York and either beings an actor or a taxi cab driver. He likes cheese cake, cheese steaks, and of course Hawaiian shirts. His favorite hobby is going into 1st calls and braging about how good he is at rolling on the ground while shooting.

Anthony Bartoni

Anthony isn't too sure on what he wants to say about himself just yet.

Lance Mckeen

The night mist that lingers down from the "Fremont Q-zar Garbage Can" reminds me of those Dayz of War. The Deafing arguments of who beat who as the scorecards were past out. The shit talk of Eric the Man and knowing full well that if his leg's couldn't move anymore his heart would. The wisdom of Ruy who would no less shoot you in the back than the front. The great smile and twinkle in Basa's eye as if he wanted to rip everyone's heart out. As I look around I see the faces of Mike,Dan,Marc,Toby,Papa Pop,Lanny,Lil Gizzy,Gerb,Ruy,Eric,Dave,the other teams in Fremont trying to get a glimpse or be part of the God's Of War conversation. Then all of sudden up jumps Joe Pacheco with a 99 oz Coke saying sign up so we can play again!

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