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Home of TriBlade

Just a brief description of what will eventualy end up here. I plan on putting up some links to some realy cool music sites, some links to fantasy sites and some links to gaming sites. But for the time being, I am glad that you have taken time to stop by and check out what I do have set up.

This is a bit of what I want the page to eventualy look like. This is a picture of a vampire having a snack.

Check out some of the cool web pages I have found.

Here are some of the characters I have encountered through my travels. Some I have made myself and others are made by my friends. Take a brief look at their lives and enjoy their adventures.

I am putting up some brief details on the clans that are in Vampire: The masquerade. Click here to see what I have up so far.

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This page is always under construction

E-mail me and let me know what you think. Feel free to drop by anytime and see what has changed here.

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