William Blackstone Wildman Detective Stories, etc.

Detective Stories by Cotton Mather Winston

Biographical Notes

The Missing Fingerprints

The Gaggle of Geese

The Sincere Spy

Wild Oats

Greek Fire

Deus ex Machina

A Capital Crime

Lady FitzFirbolg's Parrot

The Mystery of Abbot's Tower

A Fictitious Fungus

More Stories to Come... (maybe)

Partial Chronology of Cases

Murder in Albemarle Street
[This is a memoir by Wildman's friend Inspector Aphid]

Cotton Mather Winston was a Bostonian who worked in a Lunatic Asylum in Crickleswade, England, in the 1960s. He either knew the great turn-of-the-century detective William Blackstone Wildman and transcribed the old man's reminiscences, or was actually a mental patient himself and invented them. (Another alternative is that Wildman himself was a patient and just imagined he had solved the crimes described in these stories.) We will never know, since the Asylum burnt down and everyone there was killed in 1972 when a Hawker Harrier on training maneuvers crashed into it and exploded. One must note that this was definitely a high-class loony bin, in that inmates had their own rooms and possessions and were allowed to drink port -- call it more an expensive old-folks' home.--Grobius Shortling

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Some of these tales are available in RTF format so that you can download them for later reading. This will be indicated at the bottom of the story. Or click one of the following: Abbot's Tower, Albemarle Street, Capital Crime, Fitzfirbolg's Parrot, Fictitious Fungus, Gaggle of Geese, and Sincere Spy
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