Whats New |
In an attempt to help identify what new things I have. I will be keeping a history of changes to the website here and links to each entry. |
06/01/1999 |
The results of the Chicago GT are in. If you want the results: |
04/15/1999 |
The results of the Seattle Games Workshop Fantasy Tournament are in! If you want the results: Grouped By Army Type Click Here. |
03/16/1999 |
The results of the Baltimore Games Workshop fantasy tournament are in! If you want the results Grouped by Army Type and Points click here. If you want the results Sorted by Battle Points Click Here. |
03/04/1999 |
Added a 2nd tactics article for the stunties, Dwarfs. Make sure you visit the Dwarf Menu for others. |
03/03/1999 |
Added tactics for goblins. Make sure you visit the Orc and Goblins Main page for other tactics. |
02/09/1999 |
Added tactics for Realm of Chaos Daemons |
11/16/1998 |
Added tactics for Beastmen and Chaos Dwarves |
8/7/1998 |
My friend and fellow gamer, Kazz, has written a Dark Elf tactics section. Please check it out.A new version of the Warhammer Build program is up here again. This one fixes some minor annoying messages and auto-fill's the equipment menu # of models. |
7/30/1998 |
The latest version of my MS Access Warhammer builder program is here. See the home page. |
7/6/1998 |
Added Skaven, More Wood Elves, Empire, High Elf and Dwarfs tactics. My Army Generator Program is now off the home page. Download it. This program is now 2 years young. If you want excellent printouts this program is for you. If you want lots of "error checking" its not. |
7/1/1998 |
Added a Battle report with OnG vs. Beastmen |
6/29/1998 |
Added a Lizardmen tactics main page and article. |
6/24/1998 |
This website was put online on this day! |