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Night After Night welcomes you to our domain

Night After Night is a Live-Action Role Playing Troup that meets once a month at Rice University in Houston, Texas. We would like ot take this chance to thank W.A.R.P. and the University for the chance they gave us to use their wonderful facilities. We would also like to thank Geocities for hosting this site

Before you move into the site proper we want you to hear just a word or two from Brad the Storyteller

I've got a couple of things to say before you enter my domain.

Listen up all you web surfing type people!!!

The first thing is that this is a work of fiction that is intended for MATURE people. This does not mean that the contents herein are to be considered dangerous or disruptive to young minds, but what it means is that people with a warped sense of reality should not take this game too seriously--Remember: It's only a game, and that's all. Mature themes are used throughout these pages--Don't get your hopes up 'cause there's no nudity--and the reader should be able to cope with the idea of role-playing a blood-sucking Vampire or a Werewolf filled with rage.

The second thing is that we--the storytellers and the players here at Night After Night--in no way what so ever intend to infringe upon the copyrights that White Wolf&trade holds, and our game and web site are not intended to be a challenge to those copyrights. We created this chronicle, and play this game, because the setting that White Wolf created is incredibly fun and enjoyable. My mentions of copyright refer only to my own original writings, the web page design, and to Night After Night's interpretation of the rules as we have adjusted them to our own chronicle.

You may now enter at your own risk

Thanks for reading

Copyright ©1997 Night After Night Gaming Groups and Brad Wales
E-mail: Brad Wales at