Welcome to my Guestbook! Here are a few of the people who have visited already! Thanks!

Sheona!!!! - 06/06/99 16:20:54
Highlander Fan?: ???
Seven Nations Fan?: Yes
Favorite 7N Guy?: ???
Favorite Website?: Yours
Where are you from?: Scotland
Where are you going?: Anywhere but Scotland

WOOHOO!!! I've found another Sheona, my mission is complete, and this message will self destruct in 30 seconds!!!!

Lids - 05/28/99 19:37:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/lidsplace/index.html
My Email:india4685@hotmail.com
Highlander Fan?: yep.
Seven Nations Fan?: DUH!!!!
Favorite 7N Guy?: Hmm..I dunno...uh, STRUBY!! *grin*
Favorite Website?: mine, egotistical, I know, but, bob.
Where are you from?: right here
Where are you going?: over there

Like it love it gonna go see some more of it!! Ha!! Love ya!! Lids

randy c. - 05/07/99 03:09:53
My Email:randyc35184@yahoo.com
Highlander Fan?: yes
Seven Nations Fan?: most definately
Favorite 7N Guy?: the whole band rocks
Favorite Website?: seven nations
Where are you from?: alabama
Where are you going?: stone cold crazy

love the web site, why are all celtic people so great!!!!!!

Sharon - 01/05/99 21:16:45
My Email:celticsongbird@hotmail.com
Highlander Fan?: yes
Seven Nations Fan?: YES!!!!!!!!
Favorite 7N Guy?: Ashton and Struby...can't settle on one
Favorite Website?: www.sevennations.com
Where are you from?: Knoxville, TN
Where are you going?: Scotland (someday)

Just thought that I would check out all the links from Lady Maura's Highland Hangout. Can't wait to meet you at one of the concerts. BTW the homepage you have is better than mine, I haven't started one yet.

Sheona - 12/17/98 00:36:25
My Email:sheona@dimpy.freeserve.co.uk
Highlander Fan?: the films not the series
Seven Nations Fan?: dunno
Where are you from?: Scotland

Glad to see there are other Sheonas about!!!!

Rachel - 12/16/98 15:46:56
My Email:rache_9999@hotmail.com
Highlander Fan?: Yup!
Seven Nations Fan?: Hmmm
Favorite Website?: Lady Sheona's Loch!! : )
Where are you from?: PA
Where are you going?: In Circles!!

Great page Lisa!! : )

SHEONA (NOT lady sheona) - 12/11/98 15:18:50
Where are you from?: Ausralia
Where are you going?: to look for more sheona's

I do like your page, but especially because you have the same name as me.

Trina McFarland - 10/31/98 17:32:54
My Email:antrina@earthlink.net
Highlander Fan?: Yes
Seven Nations Fan?: Try OBSESSED!
Favorite 7N Guy?: Gotta say Kirk!
Favorite Website?: www.sevennations.com
Where are you from?: Ky
Where are you going?: Who knows?

I didn't know you had a site of your own Lady Sheona!! I just found the link on Lady Maura's site. (I guess I should pay closer attention!) Catch ya on the forum.

10/15/98 09:44:02
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Barbie - 09/11/98 22:40:41
My URL:/~ladymaura
My Email:ladymaura@geocities.com
Highlander Fan?: No....Fanatic!
Seven Nations Fan?: Duh!
Favorite 7N Guy?: "What's his name"....Kirk!
Favorite Website?: http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb101007
Where are you from?: Pa.
Where are you going?: Nowhere!

That's not your castle or Loch....it is my Highland Hangout. (hehe) Where is all your stuff...get to work.

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