Darn pictures! Never turn out quite right!

Who's full name is Puck307-0498/ r3956(areacode812) K-7042@
Ynot.supercalafragjalisticexbealadoscious/ 911(help)/ @%#@%^&$%*!/ lugubriousness-T48658/ phosinclomvomit/ g42/ flagulate/ 6a3b6c3d6e3f6g3h6i3j6k3elemeno6p3q6r 3s6t3u6v3w6x3y6z...
You get the point. Puck inherited her beautiful name from her great, great, great, great(really great) grandmomma.
When she is not busy being insane, she also enjoys swimming, diving off of tall things(don't worry, she generally does this over water), is on the school speech team, and plays the flute. In her spare time, Puck gets straight A's, eats cheese, improves upon her genetic makeup, and chases her cat.
Who's full name is Sage182, would prefer to be thought of as
eccentric. Not crazy--*eccentric*. She is a drama chick and a self-described nerd, although she has recently developed her own offbeat sense of style. Sage is sarcastic, goofy, and content with the person she is growing up to be. She'll graduate from high school this spring and go on to a private college in a big city. Her favorite thing to do is to eat ice cream in her car with her best friend while unraveling the secrets of the universe.
Note: This page is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.