There are some elements of Space Cases which we have wondered about. Some things which were never answered to our satisfaction. They are listed here, along with our theories, and the theories and questions of others. We stress the fact that most of them are merely theories, just crackpot ideas with varying degrees of basis in the show. But we think they do solve some problems, answer some questions, and cover a few plotholes.
-After Suzee arrives on the Christa, and the ship crashlanded, she says that something in the planet's upper atmosphere is jamming her communication with Catalina. But when they leave, Suzee still doesn't talk to Cat. Why?
Our theories:
-Perhaps Suzee was wrong(gasp!!!), and the problem wasn't the planet, but some sort of interdimentional scar caused by the rip in the space-time used to save Cat.
-Who knows, maybe Suzee is still comunicating with Cat, but she's found some way to do it without speaking aloud (and recieving a reputation of insanity).
-What evolutionary reason is there for Suzee's ability to breathe in any atmosphere?
-Suzee's planet is pockmarked with many different types of gases. As they evolved, her people developed gills to deal with this situation.
-Are all Mercurians optimistic, all Uranians pessimistic, and Suzee's people all geniuses?
-We find it doubtful. That would be like Earthers all being rude, stubborn, or obnoxious(Although come to think of it, it's not all that doubtful!).
-Why does Bova eat so much?
-Bova has accelerated metabolism which causes him to need more nutrients .
-Either that, or he's like Sage and he just likes to eat(that goes double on sleep).
-What's the Spung homeworld called?
-The Spung Homeworld, Spunginar, Spungania(contributed by Leah), Spungi, Spungin (who knows?)
-I don't think they have a planet. In the episode when they all switch places with each other, the Christa heads toward a bunch of space stations. I think the Spung live in those space stations or on their kill cruisers.(Contributed by Lunrchick)
-There was a Spung Homeworld, a long time ago, so so long that
nobody remembers the name of it. But they're so bellicose that they got it blown up, and all escaped on escape pods. So now, they decide that everyone should share their misery and try to steal other people's planets. (Contributed by: YodaRulz1)
-Krista reports that after an extensive search, she's discovered that it is called "Corospung".
-How did the Andromedans get to our galaxy from their own? If they can't go any faster than current Stardog speeds, it would take thousands of years to get here.
-Their people have spent their entire lives on large transport vessels in transit between galaxies and none of them actually remember what Andromeda looks like.
-They spent the journey in sleep capsules, which preserved them throughout their long journey.
-The Andromedans have some sort of accelerated mode of transportation, some "hyper-hyperspeed" which allowed them to get to our galaxy much more quickly.
-Which came first, the Andromedan or the egg?
-If there are thousands of Gizbots in storage, why do they only use one at a time? Things would get done a lot faster if they had several working at the same time.
-If they used more than one, they'd have to eat with their
fingers because of all the Gizbots stealing silverware and there would probably be permanent dents in the walls.(ALobo90326)
-Why does Radu wear gloves all the time?
-According to Shark's page, the gloves contain tiny devices which prevent him from accidentally gripping things so tightly that he breaks them or leaves hand prints pressed into them.
-Also because of a Yonian belief to not reveal any of their skin except for their faces for identification purposes. That's why you never see Radu in T-shirts, but you see the rest of the crew wearing t-shirts....and stuff. Anyway, Peter David or someone like that mentioned that's another reason why he wore gloves.(Contributed by Tato)
A thought:
-Okay, so Andromedans are always dressed from neck to toes...ever wonder what an Andromedan swimsuit looks like?
-Is everyone in Suzee's entire dimension of the same race as she is? This would be much like an entire dimension of Mercurians.
-Suzee forgot to mention that there are many different races of people in her dimension. Only those from her planet have the powers she does.
-Suzee *forgot to mention* that her people were really a race of conquerers who had destroyed every other species in Yensid.
-By some odd chance, every planet in Yensid capable of supporting life had the exact same conditions neccessary for the evolution of a mind-reading-breath-in-any-atmosphere- super-genious race of people.
-They probably weren't, but then she turned them into mind-controlling slaves with gills so they could breathe in the atmospheres of the planets they conquered. Is the Christa's crew in danger?(ALobo90326)
Why is THELMA a TechnoHumanEmulatingMAchine? She was built by the makers of the Christa.
-They were on a mission to contact the UPP, so they built her to look like the most common race in the organization(namely Earthers).
What happened to the engine room between the first and second seasons?
-THELMA once said that the Christa rearanges herself on occasion. Perhaps she did this and unearthed the new, larger chamber.
-On the newsgroup, they(a butt-load of SC fans, Peter David,
I'm not sure) mentioned that there were TWO engine rooms. One for main power and one for backup power. And they needed a new power source for the engine cuz the hyperdrive was trashed. Since they had more power in the backup system than in the original one, they just installed the crystal(the new power source) in the backup engine room.. The original was always there in the second season.. and the Second was always in the first.. it just was never shown until the second season..(contributed by Rossie)
-The REAL reason was that the nick Execs (gag me with a tork wrench!) wanted the Christa overall to look more mechanical so that's why Thelma and the ship turned silver(Thelma and the engine room look better bronze to me) and why they screwed with the engine room.. (contributed by Rossie)
-In the episode "It's my birthday too (Yeah!), the kids research their family trees, using a whole bunch of UPP information(and I'm talking detailed, if they're looking up great-great grandparents!) Ms. Davenport mentions that she brought it aboard with her. Isn't that a little dangerous, entering an alien ship you know nothing about with a pocket full of information about your government?
-Why are Andromedans so strong?
-Their planet (or former planet, since they abandoned it) had more gravity than our own. As a result, they evolved more dense to compensate.
-If their former planet had more gravity, is the average Andromedan height shorter than our own? Could it be that Radu is tall for an Andromedan? (LOL)
-I think that the average Andromedan height is
actually only about five feet tall. As for Radu,of course he's
tall for an Andromedan.Why else would he not fit in with other
Andromedans?(Raptor 487)
-In the episode "Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Court," the crew finds a message from their future selves. Will they ever really send it, or is it just one of those things that never gets resolved? And hey, if they do, that must mean Cat comes back eventually!
-In "Forever Young", Davenport and Goddard use the computer, whereas before, they never could. Why can they?
-We always assumed that the kids could use the controls because the Christa bonded with them, but maybe it's just because they're kids?
-Perhaps the Christa itself decided that they should be able to temporarily, to deal with the present situation. (Sounds far-fetched I know, but it's the best we could do.)
-Do Andromedans ever cut their hair? I mean, Radu's eleven, and he's got hair to his waist. By the time you got to be about twenty, it would become a real problem.
-Our guess is that they probably do cut their hair, just not very often, because it's so difficult. Maybe once every ten or twenty years? (The only problem with this theory is that Radu would have to get a haircut, and no one wants to see that!)
YodaRulz1's Question:
-Are all Andromedans curly haired?
No. Kinky hair is a mark of beauty, and straight hair is considered freaky and frowned upon.(YodaRulz1)
Rossie's Question:
Everybody says that Davenport and Goddard were like.. involved romantically.. or were going to be in the third season.. or something like that.. What's up with that? Was it really going to happen? or did it already and it just wasn't brought up?
Tato's Question:
-In the episode of "A Friend in Need" (yes, I know, we all hated that, didn't we) Suzee was in the outpost, and she was totally psyched. Then Harlan said "Suzee, HELLO? Did you forget something?" Suzee apologizes, and opens the door, then tells them it's safe. But wait a second! She opened the door BEFORE telling them the air was safe? What if it wasn't?
(fade in)
Harlan: Suzee, HELLO? Did you forget something?
Suzee: Sorry guys! (opens door)
Harlan: (cough cough) Suzee, isn't this air (cough cough cough) safe?
Suzee: Oops, no. Sorry.....(watches as Goddard, Radu, and Harlan
collapse to the ground)
(fade out)
Leah's many questions and theories:
Erm, for those of you out there that don't like conspiracy-esque theories, you may not like this, because I'm about to go on a V-Legend (I used to call her V-Neck) spree, of scientific thinking and screwed up hypothesis...
-First off, I think the Andromedans are commies. They want no one to be different, they want all to be non-individuals, all just following one theory and no people are allowed to be out of the ordnary. It's communism in a nutshell. Andromedans are
commies. (Lydia, that's enough out of you, stop laughing!)
-It's my theory that the Spungs have some kind of a sick dictatorship going on there... I mean, what's up with this 'everyone is mean' theory? I think they're all just suppressed, all of those normal people. What do the Spungs do
if they're not Warlords? I can't imagine a completely war-oriented race? Where do they come from anyway? When they take over stuff, do the Spungs kick out the current residents of those planets and fill the void with themselves, or do
they just sort of like to say, 'Well, we rule this part' and leave it at that? If so, what's the point? Maybe they just take over planets to use up their natural resources, like in Independence Day. (Great movie, mind you.)
-What's the key of Suzee and Catalina? Suzee SAID that a ship needed to blow up in order for her to get to another dimension, and what about the THREE perfectly good explosions that the Spung Warships created? Why didn't Suzee change then? I'll tell you why! She wanted the men all to herself?
-And where is Elmira? Was she on the killcruiser at the same time as her father? What ever happened to that killcruiser anyway, with no one to tend to it
outside of Pezu's outpost? Is she still trapped with that horrible cretin who beamed her out of the Christa? (His spitting, I can tell, is clearly getting to her.)
And what of Radu and Elmira? Their destiny is hard to be fulfilled...
-Sorola Elmira's mother. Who is she? Where has she gone? The mystery still remains... will we ever find the answer? I think a few more people should write stories about this matter?
-I just had the weirdest idea: Maybe StarDog Band isn't dead! Maybe he
was interrogated for the last 11 years! Maybe he'll come back!
-What's the full deal with the Spung Empire? If Warlord Shank is the Supreme Master, why don't they call him the Supreme Master Shank? There's Warlord Shank and Warlord Jeff, and they're not on the same scale, but alas, there's no way of telling unless, of course, you knew from some insiders...
-What would happen if the Spung found the Starcademy? The next generation of Stardogs in one place is just as risky as the Andromedans leaving all of their eggs in one place.
-The Mercurians: Is that pink skin like a permanent sunburn?
-The people from Uranus: What would ever cause them to evolve those wishbones on their foreheads? And can those wishbones be snapped off? They have a certain glued-on appearance. (I wonder why?)
-Are there Andromedans out there who can cut their hair?
-Why does Harlan only have 9 fingers? Is there a REASON why his MIDDLE FINGER was cut off? (That's kind of a strict punishment for flipping the bird, is it not? LOL.)
-Suzee's hair: dyed or naturally like that?
Emily's many questions and theories:
-In On the Road to Find Out, everyone thought that Catalina was dead. But in the message from the future, she was alive! So wouldn't it seem obvious that she was alive and that maybe Suzee's real and has something to do with her
appearing in the future message?
-The crew was too devestated to see the logic of the situation
-Maybe Catalina going into Yensid changed the future, and it will really
be Suzee who appears in the future message!
-Why wasn't Harlan in the message from the future?
-Catalina murdered him after she returned for flirting with Suzee (far fetched, but possible)
-He died from some kind of explosion, or maybe from a Spung
-He left the Christa for some reason (maybe getting rejected by Catalina and/or Suzee)
-He found out that his dad wasn't dead but really hiding on a planet/ship and decided to go with him.
CatalinaWade's Questions and Theories:
How does the whole Suzee/Catalina brainwave bit work, anyway?
-Alright, well it can't just be that they see each other, because Suzee saw the comet in "Desperately Seeking Suzee" and the cute look on Harlan's face when he finds something new. Maybe the thing is that since the sonic vibrational frequencies of their brain waves are the same (does anybody know what that means, anyway?) they have a window into each other's senses...Suzee can see what Cat sees, Cat can see what Suzee sees, and all that. So Cat "saw" the comet first but didn't notice it, and Suzee pointed it out.
-The brainwave deal only goes for hearing each other and genius Suzee invented something that let her see into our dimension from Yensid and let Cat see her
Why was Cat so obsessed with Dram?
-Cat's parents are dead and Dram thought Cat was his daughter, and Dram reminded Cat of her father so it was sort of like having her Dad back, and his real daughter Mira had to send him to the medical facility 'cause she couldn't take care of him, maybe Cat felt this was a bad idea 'cause of how much she misses her parents and how she probably wouldn't give them up again
for anything, so she wants to be the daughter Dram has lost. Maybe Cat's parents even died of a terminal illness?
If you've got anything else you've always wondered about, or you have additional theories, we'd be happy to put them on our page. E-mail us at
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