For Those Who Know Jack Squat About Space Cases:
(kudos to OP for the title)
Awright, awright, we swore to ourselves that we wouldn't have a character guide, since every Caser and their grandmother has one, but then it occured to us that there were people out there who actually didn't know anything about Space Cases. Impossible we know, and bizzare, but it's true. So for everyone who's just wandered into our webpage because it looked interesting(Yeah right!), or because you know us, and Sage or Puck is forcing you to come see it, here's a little explaination.
Space Cases is about five misfit space cadets who wandered onto an unfamiliar, abandoned starship. Their teacher and vice principal followed them, and then the ship took off. It went through a mysterious "White Circle", which took them seven years, four months and twenty-two days from home. Now they're trying to get back.
-The Christa is the ship they found. It was named for a teacher who died in the early days of Earth space travel. Why it was named for an Earther is unknown.
-Commander Seth Goddard is a former Stardog captain who got into a bit of trouble with a space pirate named Reaver, demoted, and stuck in the job of a teacher at the academy.

Davenport and Goddard
-T.J. Davenport was the 'cases vice-principal. Now she teaches on the Christa. She's got an irritating English accent paired with a high-and-mighty attitude.

-Harlan Band is an eighteen year old Earther with an attitude and a real problem with authority. He's the leader among the kids and he knows it. He also has a problem with Radu(an Andromedan), because his father was killed by Andromedans.

-Radu 386 is the first Andromedan ever to enter Stardog Academy. Andromedans have very good hearing and are very strong. His people were enslaved by an evil race called the Spung, and forced to fight against the Stardogs. He is very shy, and has never fit in among his own people. He also does not have any parents, because Andromedans are hatched from eggs in hatcheries.
-Catalina is a Saturnian, and proud of it. She has a Saturnian ability, a Sonic scream, which can knock over buildings. Her parents were killed when she was young, and she covers her insecurities with a very self confident attitude. She has a love-hate relationship with Harlan, because they both have very strong tempers. She talks to an invisible friend whom everyone assumes is imaginary, which gives her a reputation for being insane. More recently, she was switched with her invisible friend Suzee in an accident. She is currently residing in Yensid, Suzee's dimension.

-Suzee is Catalina's formerly invisible best friend. She has gills which allow her to breath in any atmosphere, and mind powers which allow her to read other's thoughts. She is also an engineering genius(and reminds everyone of that frequently). Both Harlan and Radu are attracted to her, which is a source of many a plot twist.

-Bova is a pessimistic Uranian who sees the negative side of everything. He has limited control over electricity.

-Rosie is an optimistic Mercurian. She likes to see the positive side to the universe. She has a body temperature of several hundred degrees celcius, and can heat blast.

-THELMA is a TechnoHumanEmulatingMAchine. She is an android found by the crew onboard the Christa. Her memory is damaged, so she forgets things from time to time.

-Warlord Shank is a powerful spung who is an enemy of the 'cases. He has done his best to blow them into free-floating atoms, but now he wants their ship intact because he thinks it holds great power. (Played by George Takei)

-Elmira is a spung surola, royal daughter of Warlord Shank. She is also an ally to the 'cases, and has feelings for Radu.
That's all we can think of right now, but something may come up later.
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