Welcome to my Guestbook!

Michelle - 11/25/00 02:23:46

I LOVED your stories! You are such a great writer. I hope to see some more coming from you!

Cyprus - 09/24/00 17:16:27
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/Cyprus386/index.html
Favorite Space Case: Dey all da bomb!!! (forgive my ebonics, I don't talk like that!)

Hey! Glad to see you back!! Come visit my site...I guess thats it! Bye.

sarah - 09/16/00 06:18:09
My Email:onoms@aol
Favorite Space Case: cat


sarah - 09/16/00 06:07:23
My Email:onoms@aol
Favorite Space Case: cat


Anna - 07/07/00 00:54:42
My URL:sorry, my site is a disgrace to Space Cases and in fact, pretty much the whole Internet
My Email:athena273@dellnet.com
Favorite Space Case: Bova (we're both notorious pessimists)

Hi, your site is cool, I'm usually a creative person, just not when signing guestbooks. I have a queston...is Puck named after Robin Goodfellow in "A Midsummer Night's Dream?"

Jacki - 05/21/00 03:03:01
My URL:/jacki_marie
My Email:WackiJacki86@hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: Rosie


Cyprus - 05/15/00 19:43:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/Cyprus386/index.html
Favorite Space Case: They all rock

Come visit my site. That is all.

Amanda - 04/02/00 15:17:47
My Email:gloha386@yahoo.com
Favorite Space Case: Radu

I love you're page. It's nice to know people haven't forgotten space cases.

Blue Platinum - 04/02/00 12:40:53
My URL:http://www.netcom.ca/~jenna/
My Email:kickout23@hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: ummm.....all.

Hello!!! Umm.....yeah. E-mail me. Haven't heard from you in a while.

sabrina - 03/31/00 14:27:00
My Email:brinainpa@cheerful.com

your page it great!

Kelly - 03/08/00 00:49:16
My Email:102124.645@compuserve.com
Favorite Space Case: Radu

I don't remember signing this before but hi! This is a great site. Congrats on being a member of the Academy, Sage. Hope you are too, puck. I am. Some name, eh? Keep up the great work!

TAELMA - 02/22/00 04:49:11
My Email:marquiz@videotron.ca
Favorite Space Case: THELMA

Please do not disapear! Do not desapear! I am so afraid not to see Shark`s page anymore, nor the X-ficial site!!!!! PLLLLEEEEAAASEEEEE!

Adrianne of Oberon - 02/17/00 22:07:35
Favorite Space Case: Radu, Cat, Bova...

If you haven't seen my guestbook entries from other sites, here's the skinny on me. I'm a witch living on the Oberon Witch Colony. A former Starcademy pupil, I used to study with the cadets until a joke backfired...and nick wrote me out of the show! an anyway...SC was the best...bring it back! at least in reruns! thats better than nothing!

Phillaine Ellingson - 02/12/00 01:13:01
My Email:phillaine@hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: hmmm...can't say

i'll write more later--just wanted to check out your page, megan!

paula paula paula - 01/27/00 18:36:07
My URL:http://oops, none!
My Email:Aluapaula@ aol......com
Favorite Space Case: ummmm it wwas a long time ago...

Hallo Sage!How are you? So tell me, what kind of underwear are you wearing today? Do you have any particular reason for wearing them? I wonder what kind of underwear those big alien dudes wear! The ones in space cases and also the certain math teachers in our schoool! You know the funny thing is that youd think I would know what the alien one in our school wears because she always forge s to..... welll you know. To tell you the truth, I honestly dont want to know!!! Anyway... Hey! I bet I kno what Larry wears! Remember when he was talking about the boys swim meet. I think he really likes speedos..... Yuck I should talk about something else I think I am going to make you and me both very sick! So how do you think that giant grapefruit is doing? I dont see anyone missing! I thought all those evil teachers should have been eaten by now! Well se ya! your friend, Psycho freak!

Rona Tae - 01/05/00 21:30:05
My URL:http://fly.to/ronatae/
My Email:LdyRonaTaeDjo@starwarsfan.com
Favorite Space Case: Radu/Elmira

Signing your guestbook because you asked (begged?) so nicely and I like your fics. Now, just so you know, it'd make *my* day if you came out with some new stuff ::hint hint:: That'd be all, keep up the good work.

Sally - 12/30/99 22:19:57
My Email:sunmoon@home.com
Favorite Space Case: Bova is one of them

I think SC is real cool. It's a shame that NICK treated the show so bad.

Raederle McDermot - 12/19/99 06:22:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/6716/radu.html
My Email:raederle@outpost10f.com
Favorite Space Case: Radu!!!!!

Hey, been awhile since I dropped a line so: HI!!!!!!!! Keep up the kewl work.

Lindsay - 12/02/99 02:43:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/spacecasechick84
My Email:Boomer6395@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: goddard


Ashley - 11/30/99 00:36:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Film/7013/
My Email:Cooliesblink182@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: RADU!!


Andy - 11/20/99 21:27:50
My Email:Kamek17@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: Catalina

Hi. I found your page through a search engine. I absolutly love fanfics and your Time Arrow story caputred my interst. It's kinda long and I don't have enugh time to read it online, so I used copy and past to put it in Microsoft Word so I can read it w thout tieing up the phone line. Let me know if you have a problem with that. I promise I won't sell it or take credit for it in any way. I like what I've read so far and I think you are a good writer. Keep up the good work.

Emily - 10/27/99 20:31:56
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/spacecases
My Email:Emilya14@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: Catalina! BOO to Suzee!

This is a totally amazing page!

Matthew Davey - 10/12/99 00:23:18
My Email:MATTHEW155@hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: Catalina

Cat is the best space case ever and i think she shouldn't have left.

Dwanna - 10/01/99 18:35:46
My Email:dgunter@tdmn.com

Sage under your survey you have Prank listed, but I don't find it in your stories. Is it possible to put it back up?

Allyssa - 09/15/99 21:30:55
My Email:ally507@yahoo.com
Favorite Space Case: None they all suck

Puck is a sick puppy, exspecially with the cow thing, I hope you read this and give me some feedback, like when are you coming down to see me!~;p

Allyssa - 09/15/99 21:30:47
My Email:ally507@yahoo.com
Favorite Space Case: None they all suck

Puck is a sick puppy, exspecially with the cow thing, I hope you read this and give me some feedback, like when are you coming down to see me!~;p

Rosedove - 09/14/99 12:45:43
My Email:AnimorfGal@AOL.com
Favorite Space Case: ah heck, do I have to choose?!!? I love all of them!!! (except Suzee!!!)

Awsome site!!!!! I like all the origianl things on this site, epscially the dreams! Also love all the Suzee-Hater stuf!!! Suzee is evil!!! LOl well anyway cool site, keep up the good work!!!!!

Asya - 08/12/99 21:25:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Realm/9388
My Email:butterfly551@hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: Ummmmmmm....

Hello! it's me :) I just stopped by and wanted to say hi...and having done so- I'm gonna leave now.... bye

Blue Platinum - 07/29/99 20:53:16
My URL:http://www.netcom.ca/~jenna/
My Email:kickout23@hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: Elmira

Love your rules for life!!!

Blue Platinum - 07/29/99 20:39:53
My URL:http://www.netcom.ca/~jenna/
My Email:kickout23@hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: Elmira

Love your rules for life!!!

Tato - 07/27/99 06:48:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~tatokins/index.html
My Email:PrivatePEZ@hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: Radu

I decided to sign this again, because I know how it is to JUMP FOR JOY when someone signs your guestbook...not as if I know since NO ONE SIGNS IT! j/k. Anyway, I really do love your stories and I love all the stuff you've put on your page...you're very u ique, and I like it. :o) Tato

Sian Risha - 07/19/99 01:22:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/poetry
My Email:Sian1107@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: Radu...my secret Andromedan lover

I AM SO EXCITED, GUYS!!!!! I had "forgotten" about Space Cases for a horrid full year while I was fully inducted into the Mysteries of Sophmore-Juniorhood at my high school, and the other day I just had this NEED to read all my old fanfics I never showed nyone...and then I got an idea to surf the 'Net for SC...and OH MY GOD it was a veritable TREASURE TROVE! At the peak of my SC obsession I didn't have the 'Net so I never knew the plethora of stuff out there. It's like coming home, guys. Amazing. I am inspired to write again! All my friends used to make fun of me for liking SC, so coming on here is like therapy...SCA--Space Casers Anonymous. It's beautiful. Thanks for being here, that's all I can say. *sniffle* *tear* I'M HOME!!!

Rossie - 07/14/99 23:39:32
My URL:http://members.spree.com/sci-fi/lumaniakajin/index.htm
My Email:thelma5150@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: Thelma!

Hi minna-san! Konnichiwa! :P Just signing your guestbook cause you signed mine... and you asked me to on your happy little front page... um... thinks of somthing to say... Ah!







((Gun SHOT))

Ah, who am I kidding, I'm no singer... I'm really in fact... the all mighty BILL BOROS of the cosmos! I have babbled on enough, time to save the galaxy with Sailor Choumbo!! Bye

Kestrel - 06/28/99 03:35:58
My URL:http://members.aol.com/kestrel402/
My Email:kestrel402@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: All of them!

Dear Sage: I've just finished Part 1 of Hary's Story. What can I say ... it's terrific ... fantastic ... I'll be on the edge of my chair until the next installment. Keep up the wonderful work.

Vada - 06/10/99 16:57:25
My Email:trackiepie@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: Radu

I've been a fan from the first episode and was totally bummed when Nick cancelled it! The show deserves another chance on SFC!

fireballfuchia - 06/02/99 00:58:07
My Email:fireballfuchia@hotmail.com

HI Your site is totally awsome!!! But could you kind of tell me what Space Cases is? Please? P.S. If you don't respond to my comments I will send my aunt after you... and it is not a good thing to have a George mad at you... hehe That's all, BYE

fireballfuchia - 06/02/99 00:57:45
My Email:fireballfuchia@hotmail.com

HI Your site is totally awsome!!! But could you kind of tell me what Space Cases is? Please? P.S. If you don't respond to my comments I will send my aunt after you... and it is not a good thing to have a George mad at you... hehe That's all, BYE

Agent 766 - 05/31/99 02:00:41
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Glade/5642
My Email:SPOdelay@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: Cat

I loved your "If I fall" story! IT was so well written, that I was inspired to write a bit of a Space Cases fanfic myself, only this one is a crossover with Sailor Moon! E-mail me if you ever want to read it.

Agent 766 - 05/31/99 01:57:56
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Glade/5642
My Email:SPOdelay@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: Cat

I loved your "If I fall" story! IT was so well written, that I was inspired to write a bit of a Space Cases fanfic myself, only this one is a crossover with Sailor Moon! E-mail me if you ever want to read it.

Agent 766 - 05/31/99 01:57:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5642
My Email:SPOdelay@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: Cat

I loved your "If I fall" story! IT was so well written, that I was inspired to write a bit of a Space Cases fanfic myself, only this one is a crossover with Sailor Moon! E-mail me if you ever want to read it.

Agent 766 - 05/31/99 01:56:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/5642
My Email:SPOdelay@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: Cat

I loved your "If I fall" story! IT was so well written, that I was inspired to write a bit of a Space Cases fanfic myself, only this one is a crossover with Sailor Moon! E-mail me if you ever want to read it.

Cassiopeia - 05/28/99 19:05:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/leilapatra/
My Email:leilapatra2hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: Rosie:D

I can't believe I didn't sign this 'til now! Sage, your fanfic is terrific, keep up the fab job! And thanx for signing my slambook! And to both of you- great job on this site! If only my sister and I could work together so well! -Cassi:D

- 05/02/99 02:47:21


Charlie - 05/02/99 01:13:56
My Email:charliehorse53@hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: Radu

mmmm. I love your fanfic, Sage. Cool beans!

Kestrel - 04/26/99 01:13:52
My URL:http://members.aol.com/kestrel402
My Email:kestrel402@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: Gizbot

Hey, Sage, I checked out your preview for 'Hary's Story'. You better get to work and finish this - it's terrific! I'll be waiting!

Ceria - 04/11/99 20:17:44
My URL:http://lavender.fortunecity.com/searchers/408
My Email:cerianon@yahoo.com
Favorite Space Case: Catalina counts, Right?

Cool page.

Kelly Fischer - 03/28/99 15:14:46
Favorite Space Case: Radu AND Catalina

I really like this page. Very original. Keep up the good work. 'Bye!

Sarah - 03/26/99 16:53:01
My Email:p.leatt@utoronto.ca
Favorite Space Case: Bova

Bravo! What a great web page. Oh yes, I liked your stories too. Keep up the great work. Sarah

Sarah - 03/26/99 16:50:48
My Email:p.leatt@utoronto.ca
Favorite Space Case: Bova

Bravo! What a great web page. Oh yes, I liked your stories too. Keep up the great work. Sarah

Leigh - 03/26/99 02:51:35
My Email:wonder_woman73@hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: Catalina

I LUV YOU GUYZ!!!!! YOU GUYZ ARE AWESOME! (hey erin, e-mail me!!! you too megan) THIS PAGE Rox

- 03/19/99 16:53:37


jerry pihilja - 03/19/99 16:52:09
My Email:www.dork.com

you guys rock!! i would like to hang with you g's i'm down with the space case. my friend is bruce shumway.

jerry pihilja - 03/19/99 16:50:29
My Email:www.dork.com
Favorite Space Case: smoking kyle


Sage - 02/20/99 04:25:22

I just wanna let ya'll know, "bite me" was my cousin. She's not (quite) as bad as she sounds. So don't go sending her hate mail or anything.

bite me - 02/18/99 17:49:17
My URL:http://www.yousuck.com
My Email:allyjcat@catsrule.garfield.com
Favorite Space Case: I hate space cases

How was Mexico? I had a blast down there, except for the Jellyfish, they hurt. Snorkeling was so much fun.

Georgy_one - 02/18/99 00:41:33
My Email:Georgy_one@hotmail.com

I never seen a Space Case episode so I can't say which one is my favorite....hehehehehe

- 02/15/99 03:48:27


Patricia - 02/09/99 04:59:40
My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/pattysfanfic
My Email:patty_pa@hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: Radu

Don't, ever, EVER!! forget to update, ok? it tells you a Space Cases fan from Peru. ..........(this is so cool!!)

Tato - 01/29/99 01:23:55
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~tatokins/index.html
My Email:PrivatePEZ@hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: Radu

Hey, you finally got a guestbook!!! Awesome! Of course, you'll see that counter go UP....and the guestbook signatures....stay the same!! Believe me, I know. Ah well...what can ya do, right? I'll tell you what we can do!! We can go explore a cookie i the center of the universe with chocolate chip spung! Hehe....Awesome page, it's one of my favorites! Tato

Ceria Non - 01/28/99 00:27:40
My Email:cerianon@yahoo.com
Favorite Space Case: Catalina


Kestrel - 01/27/99 16:37:15
My URL:http://members.aol.com/kestrel402/
My Email:kestrel402@aol.com
Favorite Space Case: Radu

Hi, Sage, told you I'd be by to check out your latest, (and to steal whatever inspiration I can get from your guestbook ;-)).

KayLynn - 01/25/99 04:34:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Starship/7605/index.html
Favorite Space Case: Radu

Greetings and salutations!

I am KayLynn, helmswoman of the U.S.S. Guestbook. The mission of my starship is to boldly go where almost no people have gone before: THE "ADD ENTRY" PAGES OF GUESTBOOKS!!!

With the aid of my trusty navigator, Tato, I am leading my ship on an intergalactic mission of peace.

Live long, prosper, and eat spaghetti. \V/

~ KayLynn

Sage182 - 01/24/99 19:29:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/3370
My Email:weirdsisters11@hotmail.com
Favorite Space Case: Radu

I'm signing my own guestbook! Hi Mom!

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