Sage's Laws
1. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
2. Never give up. Ever.
3. Stand by your friends. If they won't put up with you, who will?
4. Learning for the sake of learning is a lot more fun than learning because you're forced to; you're gonna have to do it either way.
5. Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want. ~Lucas, "Sea Quest"
6. Life makes absolutely no sense. Stop trying to figure it out!
7. You are no better than anyone else.
8. No one else is better than you.
9. Count your blessings--no matter how bad things get, they can always get worse.
10. Truth is stranger than fiction. ~Jenna
11. The kindest people don't neccesarily make best friends. They're nice to everyone; your friends are the people selective enough to choose you.
12. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
13. Let people be different.
14. **it happens.
15. Treat every day like it's your last, just in case **it should occur.
16. You can't be good at everything.
17. Do what you love--live your dreams.
18. Deal with it.
19. Don't forget to tell bad jokes.
20. Baby philosophy: if something stinks, change it.
21. Don't worry, be happy. :-)
22. You can sleep when you're dead ~Tim
23. Out of sight, out of mind--unless absense makes the heart grow fonder...
24. Remember: eventually you get paid to be a geek.
25. Just frickin' do it! ~Puck
25. Sometimes your best just isn't good enough.
26. Whining and complaining may not accomplish anything, but they sure do feel good.
27. Life is beautiful, even when it sucks.
28. What is so dang difficult about telling the truth?
29. She who has everything under the sun will turn her eye to the moon.
30. You will survive high school--basically because you have no other choice.
31. Think wrongly, if you please, but in all cases, think for yourself. ~Doris Lessing
32. Your life might not be perfect, or romantic, or even exciting. But if you're happy, it's enough.
33. When all else fails, a pointless yet comical phrase will cheer everyone up. ~Puck's apparent attitude towards life
34. It's not whether you win or lose, it's how hard to kick 'em when the chips are down.
35. Be brave.
36. This planet is an idiot factory!
37. Whoever said "Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," was an idiot. Anyone who's passed through the bowels of public education knows that.
38. Closed minds usually have open mouths.
39. It's all Steve's fault! ~Lenny (note: insert the most irritating person you know in place of "Steve")
40. Different is good. ~Arby's commercials
41. Change is bad. ~Hershey's commercials
42. Even if you don't agree with other's beliefs, respect them.
43. Only boring people get bored. ~Puck
44. Try to live happily ever after.
45. Weird people have feelings too.
46. Normal is boring.
47. No one is too mature to get into the occasional pillow fight.
48. Be kind to your fellow man--you never know who could grow up to be a multi-millionaire(or an ax-murderer)
49. It's not what you know and it's not who you know, it's what you know about who you know.
50. If you're not there, you're not there. ~Mr. Burkman's Finnish Proverb
51. Life isn't like the movies. (There is no alternate dimension in your fridge.)
52. If anything can go wrong, it will. ~Murphey's law
53. Do not ask what you will be, but rather what you are today. ~Rick
54. Smile and nod. Just smile and nod.
55. Your best friends are the people you can do everything and nothing with and still have a great time.
56. Life is the answer to a question no one asked. ~Jenna
57. The people you expect to kick you when you’re down are often the ones who’ll help you up and dust you off.
58. No matter how hard you try, you will never please everyone at the same time.
59. A family is not only those from whom you were born, but those to whom you belong. ~Thelma, "Space Cases"
60. You won’t be around forever. Create something that will. (Like a theme park)
61. Don’t dwell on the past.
62. It’s not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts.
63. Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.
64. Everyone will, at some point in their life, do something really stupid. Most will do so repeatedly. So don’t feel too bad when you screw up.
68. Hear what I'm not saying. ~Jenna
56. Life is what you make of it. Not just in what you do with it, but in how you perceive it.
70. Just because it's "The way things are", doesn't mean I have to like it.
72. Sometimes you have to make your own happiness.
74. Our lives are shaped by those who love us, and by those who refuse to love us. ~Anonymous
76. In life, there are very few real "bad guys". There are only imperfect people screwing up and hurting each other.
77. In your best friend's mind, you will never be as important as his or her girlfriend/boyfriend. That doesn't mean that they don't care about you, it just means that they take it for granted that you will always be there for them when they need you (and *grrr!* they're right).
78. Human beings will always be each other's greatest mystery. You can know someone forever and what goes on in their head will still surprise you.
79.Tell people when they hurt you, even if it's over something tiny. Never, ever let the little things build up.
80. Your heart decides who it loves and who it doesn't. Your brain can't decide for you.
81. Don't stay angry at people. Holding a grudge will inevitably hurt you more than the person you're mad at. Constant anger has a way of poisoning you from the inside out.
82. If you want to say something important, say it. The moment will pass and you'll be left wondering what would have happened if you had.
83. Sometimes being kind is more important than being right.