Suzee-Hater Page
I suppose you've figured out by now that:

This is our official anti-Suzee, trash-the-genius, I-don't-like-her page. It's not that we hate her, exactly. In fact, if she were safely back in her own dimension, we'd say something like, 'well, that wasn't so bad, and all's well that ends well, huh'? But she's not, she's taken Cat's spot on the Christa. That's not precisely her fault, but we hold it against her all the same. Anyway, we will now proceed to list everything we don't like about Suzee of Yensid.
- She stole Radu's attention from Elmira
- She stole Catalina's position as engineer
- She stole Catalina's bunk
- She stole Catalina's position as the crew member with the coolest hair
- She stole Catalina's boyfriend (Okay, okay, so they weren't actually dating, but there was attraction there!)
- The fact that we can't remember anyone mentioning Cat after the initial switching episode (she was in "Long Distance Calls", but still no one mentioned missing her)
- No one has the right to be that smart, beautiful, confident, and powerful all at once.
- She seems to roll her eyes at everything. Someone says something, there she goes. She's so self centered, Miss "I can do everything and I'm better than everyone else". She's so incredibly conceded, she makes Harlan look good. She can't take an order from an adult, which the Space Cases don't anyway. Harlan doesn't get cocky with Goddard when he says not to do something. He just does it!! But Suzee? She gets this attitude as if she were superior to them. I dont know how they treated her in Yensid, but it's not Yensid anymore, and she needs to get used to the fact that it's different in this place. It's like going into another country. You need to obey and respect the rules of that particular race. Suzee? She's just a snob!! (Contributed by Tato)
- She just LOVES to play out that "I know you want me" attitude. (Contributed by Maureen)
- She thinks she's the bleeping queen of the universe!!! KILL HER! She's got powers beyond belief, can get anyone's secrets, can steal anyone's boyfriend, and is smart all at once! I think, to quote one of my ex-Email Penpals: "She should get pushed aside for once in her friggin life!" (Contributed by Leah)
- She reminds me of the most popular girl in school. You know the kind I mean, the one who has all the guys drooling at her and all the girls sucking up, the one who has the entire school wrapped in her iron-clad grip. I get the feeling that if Suzee went to my school, she'd be the one who'd trip me in the hall just so she could laugh at me with her cronies and make me feel like a geek.
- Okay, so why in the galaxy does she have to make the others feel like morons? And she treated Rosie like dirt for saying that she thought Radu was nice and Harlan was cute. It's quite obvious that Mercurians either don't keep secrets or little Rosie was never taught to keep secrets, so why does Suzee have to act like a total butthead about it? She's supposedly a genius, so why didn't she know about Mercurians and secrets? And even if
she didn't know, she didn't have to go nutso about it. Radu and Harlan certainly didn't, and Harlan's always been the least understanding one of the whole crew! (Not that I don't think he's a great guy, but still...) (Mera 491)
- She just kinda messes up the order of things. I mean, in the first season, it was Radu and Elmira, Harlan and Cat, Bova and Rosie, etc. Then Suzee came, and now there's one more person who kinda screws with the way things are supposed to be. Who's gonna end up with who now?
- Suzee should just get off of her high horse and admit that she isn't perfect. She constantly competes for the role of "The Best" (which, there isn't one, so that shows what she knows). Suzee acts as if she is the best and is the one who knows it all. She screws around with Harlan and Radu's heads, and is incredibly mean to Rosie, especially about blabbing the secret about Radu and Harlan. I mean, she's 16 years old! If she thinks someone is cute, big deal!!! Instead of just tossing it aside, she acts like a litte 7 year old opposite-sex-hater. I am suprised that her nose doesn't bleed 24/7. I mean, it's so high in the air, the altitude must be doing some damage!!! (DScully33)
- She's intelligent and all, but she acts like she's a Barbie
Doll, she seems like the kind of girl who cares so much about the make up and her hairdo. (Patricia Pino)
She reminds me of one of my school’s bullies. She thinks she’s all that and treats everyone else like slime. If she was at my school, she’d have the seniors beating her into a pulp in a millisecond. The bully I mentioned already has a price on her
head. Angel offered a dollar for who ever punched her.
$10 if you punch Suzee!
- SUZEE THEORY: Little do we know that outside the Space Cases Television Universe that Suzee is really one of those people that jumps out of cakes, and Harlan went to a bachlor party one day and thats how he REALLY met Suzee. We have a right to hate Suzee because she jumps out of cakes.
(Contributed by Rossie)
We're sure that you've got your own ideas about why Suzee is scum. So, E-mail us at