Just taking up space
Welcome to my home page...

to Bink's World on the WEB!

 Scroll on down and stay awhile...

G'Day all...I'm Dr Bink.
Welcome to my home page. I Currently live in a small town on the eastern
seaboard in the State of North Carolina. I am married with two children
(a boy and a girl). We have three pets, one dog, Misty-Marie, who thinks
she is a cat in a dog suit, and two cats, Squeaky, (because she
squeaks when she meows) and there is Blaze (the boxing cat).
Keep coming back as I will be adding to this site as time permits.

Check out the weather conditions here by clicking on the link below...

 Click here for the forcast here in Newport, North Carolina

 And now a little bit about my interests

My current employment allows me to pursue my interests in
aviation electronics and computers.

My interests are varied but include:
Xena, Warrior Princess, Country Music, especially my favorite singer,
Shania Twain, Stamp and Coin collecting, computer repair,
general tinkering, and Genealogy Research.

 Enjoying the music?

To check out my other pages, click on the buttons below

 The Warrior, The Princess, Xena!! Xena

 Grumman Ironworks at its finiest! A 6's

Pretty Woman... the kind you'd like to see! Shania

 Drop me a line sometime...

Email your comments to me at  Express yourself in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

 Almost done...

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 Anybody know what time it is?

 Catch a wave....

MY current ISP

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 So now what do I do?

 This is where I got these bars and buttons from

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