DANGER! DANGER, Will Robinson...

it's another GOTH page!

Hi, I'm the ScandaL.
I'm messing around with HTML, JAVA, and PERL, so these pages are likely to be works in progress instead of works of art. Yadda, yadda, yadda. I know i have to update this page...but here's my excuse: I just moved up to San Rafael (15min north of San Fransisco) and have been too busy unpacking. Seriously. So, give me a little slack, will ya!?!

Care for some poetry?

Morbid Cooking with ScandaL

Bored? How 'bout taking the...

West Coast Goth Invasion Plans to the 1999 New Orleans Convergence 5 festival's mailing list

Some interesting Links

Take a peek at who your talking with:

THE ScandaL

Look at other pictures:

My Girlfriend, Tabby
Tabby & I
Tabby's Alter Ego
Tabby & Mishi
Dream Car
My Baby
Mr. Hankey

Let me know if you can help with my webpage!

Mail ScandaL

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What is Goth, you ask?

freaks stumbled upon this page.

PiB graphic stolen from Sp!key and manipulated by a theiving weasel...me!