Last Updated : April 29, 2000

My Unofficial
Aalynor's Nexus

Greetings, my name is Banzai. I am a barbarian of the ranking of Battlemaiden, a questor of Tilnar, Lord of Twilight and one of Tilnar's emissaries and given the title of Chooser of the Slain.  I currently reside in the town of all races, Nexus. My husband, Renton, a Reni arch-mage, member of the Mages Guild Council and questor of Pandora, Mistress of Hope, ran off to battle Astaroth, a mage turned traitor. Unfortunately he never returned and it was later learnt he had died. However, recently a mage by the name of Tif'eret came to Nexus, saying he is Renton, his body died yet his soul remained. Eventually I remarried, to a thief named Xavier, a fellow Emissary of Tilnar.

I'd be honoured if you came on a tour of this wonderous place with me....just use the links to the left to begin your voyage.

Aalynor's Nexus is one of the most advanced interactive text-based roleplaying adventures available upon the internet.   The life of a character playing within Aalynor's Nexus reads much like a fantasy novel. Anything, and everything is possible. From researching your own magical spells, composing bardic ballads, slaying or befriending dragons,to marrying and living out your days in a cosy cottage upon the fringe of the magical woods....The paths and possibilities are endless, and limited only by the boundries of your imagination.

  You are guest number..... since April 15, 1998