Alisauras Attempt at a HomePage

under re-construction

Five years at least and counting... still nothing much here. Consider this an enforced update.

Not doing the dig this year (2004), forgot all about it in the move back to Castlemaine from Canberra and the job at the Age and all this fun Uni-organisational stuff... but mostly I've been sitting on my arse, creating characters for Cibryen Weyr and being lazy. And playing Heroes 3. A lot.

And now one of the new Cibryen Members and I are dangerously close to doing something insane and starting yet ANOTHER Play-By-Email fan Weyr... as if there aren't enough of the darn things. But ours is going to be "different"... I bet most people say that when they start theirs up too. But you never know. Check out our infant page for Bendigo Weyr, below.
Yeah, I know, "Bendigo?!" Someone asked me for a random name, said they liked how Aussie names sound. I offered Puckapunyal at first, but they preferred my second offering of Bendigo. It was the first thing I thought of (besides Puckapunyal I guess).

This is cool, particularly if you're a Babylon 5 geek like me and know who Jack the Ripper REALLY is... ;)

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Cibryen Weyr
Bendigo Weyr

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