My Cyngdom is constantly under construction, since, to me, it is a living, breathing world that adapts on its own. I simply record the changes that come to my head. I have started my first novel about this world I have created, and I hope that it continues as well as it has started.
It is also my hope that you enjoy your journey through my world. It is not perfect, nor perfectly safe, but what form of life is? Or perhaps it is better to say: what form of life worth living comes without challenges?
If you wish to get to know the woman behind the Cyngdom, please visit my homepage.
If you are interested in the history of how the Cyngdom came to be, wander this way.
If you have any ideas for me, or just comments about my Cyngdom, email me.
Or, if you would like to get on your way through my Cyngdom, please enter here.
The graphics on this page are from Moyra's Web Jewels.