Welcome to Lita's lifeline for the lovelorn!! |
So, I'm always helping out Rei, Mina, Serena and Ami out with all sorts of problems, so I guess thats why Susperia asked me to write this page for her. I'm not here just to talk about boyfriends and stuff, but anything! Send me your letters and I'll answer them! (and, BTW, I do give full credit to B'Ehlana of 'the Star Trek Voyager Chronicle' from whom I blatantly ripped off the idea for a page like this, and I recommend going there if you Like Voyager, its my Fave trek site!). Another thankyou to the people who sent in these letters, keep 'em coming!
Dear Lovely Lita, I have a problem, you see, I am a beautiful young super heroine, who not unlike yourself fights for love and justice in a short skirt, which is great, defeating evil and all that. The problem, is that although I draw my power from a planet named after the goddess of love and my attacks are love based, I never get any romances? Why should the blue headed brain have all the guys? Baffled Blonde Beauty Queen. |
Dear Baffleled, GET OVER YOURSELF MINA!!!! That being said sweety, I know how you feel, but one day we too will have our passionate love affairs (and no, I don't mean what they have us doing on those hentai sites). I mean, we won't still be at the moon bunnies beck and call protecting her and her family while we live out solitary lives fighting for love and justice but never receiving any for ourselvs like way of in the 30th century or anything........ right? |
Dear Lita, Now, I know what you are thinking, I used to be a little, well, lets say morally challenged, I mean fighting for Queen Beryl and al of that. An Eternity of conscious sleep has, however, had a rehabilitating effect, and I was wondering if you could get your friend with the crystal to wake me up? I promise I wouldn't try to destroy you or have numerous planes chase after you. Oh, and coud I get hat Rei's number? Nanban desuka? kudasai???? Rip Van Jedite |
Dear RIP, um, well, let me think you evil negascum, NO and NO. Besides which, you used to work at Rei's temple during one of your negaschemes, so its not as if you need me to give you her number, and second, if you are asleep, how did you write that letter????????? |