
Welcome to Ami's Classroom.

Here you can learn a little japanese...... sprinkle it through your own fanfics, look up a referene you found in someone elses fanfics, impress your friends or confuse your parents.... or in the very least waste a little time :-)

Basic phrases
Good Morning-         Ohayo Gozaimasu
Good afternoon-        Kon-nichiwa
Good Evening-          Kon-ban-wa
How are you?-           Gokigen ikaga desuka?
I am very pleased o met you-       Omeni kakarete ureshi desu
Thankyou-               Arigato, or Arigato gozaimasu is more formal
Please-                    Dozo
Goodbye-                Sayonara
Goodnight-              Oyasumi Nasai
See you again-         Matane
just a moment please- chotto matte kudasai
yes-                         Hai
No-                         iie
Excuse me-              shitsurei
Pardon Me-              gomen nasai
maybe                      Tabun
Certainly-                 Taishikani
is that so-                 so desuka?
thankyou very much-     Taihen arigato gozai mashita
I am sorry-              Domo Sumimasen
I don't know-           wtashiwa shiri-masen
I think so-                So omoi mas
Be careful-               Kio-tsukete kudasai
I have to go now-     Mo kaera-nakereba narimasen
I am in a hurry-        Watashiwa isoi-de imasu

If you want more rest assured moe will follow, and just email me (from the icon on the main page) if you would like to know jow to say something specifically (sorry i don't know any swear words :-(... or if you would like me to send you to a site that will really teach you japanese and not jjust a few phrases!