I am Linx, Sontaran Warrior. I have been asked which web sites I recommend, and the following have tickled my probic vent...

Fantasy Who
Fantasy Who has been running for five years now, and all the previous results, as well as instructions for setting up your own game are included here

Galaxy 4 Home Page
All new Doctor Who merchandise is stocked here, as well as a huge variety of older items. Also caters for other sci-fi programs and comics

The Doctor Who WWW Guide
Lots of links to other Doctor Who sites

The Doctor Who Image Archive
All the images on this page (with the exception of book covers) are from this archive - lots of lovely photos

Howe's Who
The book covers are taken from this page, which also has lots of useful and useless information. An excellent site

Fineline productions
Makers of independent Doctor Who audio adventures. Also contains lots of info on other series, such as Quatermass and Robin of Sherwood

Now contains a Doctor Who section featuring news, forums and fact file

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