Jeremy Williams - 03/05/00 04:39:32 My Favourite Doctor: Tom Bakerfoil Favourite story: That one with the Daleks in it! What to do with Adric: Isn't he splattered all over the cosmos? | Comments: This is the funniest site on DW I've seen in..ohh...half an hour! Tom's Time Tunnel really does need a bigger audience...get Doctor Who Magazine to publish it! |
McGill - 04/08/99 15:37:32 Favourite Doctor: Bill/Pat/Tom/Peter/Colin/Sylv Favourite story: Trial/Caves/Snakedance/Revelation/Survival What to do with Adric: Give him a kiss, poor lamb | Comments: Poor old Adric, Poor old Feller |
Glenn Casson - 02/16/99 18:04:07 My Favourite Doctor: TOM BAKER Favourite story: Stat of Decay What to do with Adric: GOOD QUESTION NO GOOD AWNSER | Comments: KEEP THE DOCTOR ALIVE! |
CC.TURNER - 11/30/98 05:38:40 Favourite Doctor: ALL Favourite story: ALL What to do with Adric: ASK HIM? | Comments: I LOVED THE WAY YOU COULD CONTROL THE LOGO BOX WITH THE MOUSE. VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!!!!!!!! ALSO TIS' A GREAT WEB PAGE AS WELL. CC.TURNER |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Cindy - 09/23/98 06:20:49 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |