Welcome to my new and improved homepage. I have made some drastic changes here at Kaut Drive yards, on account of responses I have recieved by various individuals, you know who you are. I have decided to make this change because before, my page appeared too plain, and ordinary. I now hope that you will find it more appealing to your senses. All the "renovations" should be complete within the next little while or so, but for now you will be left with what you see below.

Technical Readouts

(04/04/98) Well, I have finnally gotten around to adding a Ssi-ruuk starship resource page, if you have never heard of the Ssi-ruuk, I suggest to purchase the book, The Truce at Bakura, written by Kathy Tyers. I make referance to all the Ssi-ruvvi starships mentioned in this book, so please take a look. I also have plans for incorporating the starships from the Dark Empire comic book sereis into their respective pages in the near future.

Starship Blueprints

(04/01/98) Well, I have finally added a starship blueprints section to Kaut Drive Yards. You can expect to find the blueprints of vessels such as the Rebel Alliance's famed X-wing fighters, or the Galactic Empire's feared Star Destroyers. There are also blueprints for the Empire's ultimate weapon, the dreaded Death Star. Please check into this section.

Task Force Advantage

(04/01/98) Task Force Advantage has been created to hunt down and destroy the elite Imperial battle group, Zulu Fleet under the command of VADM Reid Rowan. If you feel your site Is capable of taking command of one of the Task Force's vessals, please venture within, please remember, I will add more ships as needed, so bookmark this page and return in a little while to see what has changed. I would like to thank Reid Rowan, the current owner of Zulu Fleet, for the great idea, and for accepting Task Force Advantage as Zulu Fleet's official sister site.

Kaut Drive Yards' Banners

(04/01/98) Kaut Drive Yards has a brand new banner section, and it has been made possible by everyone who has sent us their work, I would like to thank Lonnie E. Gill, Jordan Jennigs, and Chris Holoka in particular for the excellent work they are doing for my site, thanks. So visit this section and show your support for this site by using one of these banners on your page to link back to mine. I will also be offering commands in Task Force Advantage to people who contribute high quality banners to my site.


(04/03/98) Well it seems Kaut Drive Yards has been recognized as an outstanding site for the month of April. The staff at Beggars Canyon have awarded KDY their brand new Site of the Month Award, thanks for the recognition guys. The big day is creeping closer and closer and there are roughly 10 top contenders for my Super Star Destroyer Award, might I remind you this is a once a year occurance. To have your site reviewed for this prestigious title, you must firstly have one of the best, and I mean absolute best Star Wars sites on the web. Secondly, you must e-mail me this request before April 15/98. Enter my awards gallery to apply for my awards, and to view the awards that I have won.


(04/03/08) My site boasts what I believe to be one of the best, and most challenging trivia pages on the internet. I have redone my trivia award, so take a quick five minutes of your day to take my quiz, and try and win the Cloakshape Award of Knowledge. I shall add new trivia questions around the middle of every month, so please stay tuned.

Need Help?

(04/04/98)I have just opened up a page that states the obvious, I am willing to help any Star Wars site with simple graphical aid. I have already completed a few works for a couple of different sites, and would gladly take on any new projects. If you need any help, be sure to email me stating what you want done. Be sure to state the specifics, otherwise I can't of much help. Venture within to see some of the works I have done for a few other sites.

If anybody has any comments on how to enhance this site, or you have found a spelling or HTML error, please e-mail me. I greatly appreciate any comments. I will also continue to update this site whenever I can, so please bookmark it and return whenever you are free to do so, thanks.

Alliance Starships|Imperial Starships|Ssi-ruuk Starships|Various Vehicles|Starship Blueprints|Task Force Advantage|Product Spotlight|Starship Trivia|Our Banners|Apply for my Awards|Awards I've Won|Need Help?