Dionysis The greek God of wine and Parties
Hi, My name is Dan I've been going to school at
The Center For Culinary Arts
Now for almost two years and my time there is coming to
an end. I've decided to Start my own new page dedicated
to the culinary arts which i've now made part of my life.
on this site you'll find recipies I found to be good,
techniquies which are essential and links to other
great culinary site and my site on Drak.net.
Thanx, Dan
In the begining there was fire ancient man used this
element at first to cook raw foods and to keep warm but later used
this energy source to craft tools and other new and essential goods
which in years to come led to the crafting of high quality
High Carbon Steel Knives, Appliances, straining and mixing devices and more.
Thanks for stopping at my page
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at dboguszewski@usa.net