Look! Friends! Compatriots! Weirdoes!

Strange, that soem people are willing to admit that they know me, or that (God/dess forbid) are actually friends with me...

The Website of DOOM

I'm not sure that this site has an "actual" title as given by its author at the moment, so I'll just give it my own title. *grins ferally* This is the website of my lovemate, Tyson. There's a lot more here now since he actually...*gasp* started updating this page on a semiregular basis. This includes pictures of the both of us, game information, comics, chronicles detailing his thoughts and hijinks..."hilarious mishaps ensue". ;)

Julie's Web Page O' Fun!

If you've ever wondered about yarn people, my poetry, or anime, this is the place for you... Eventually, my poetry will be making a pilgrimage to this holy site, and will find a home here as well.

Nightlyre's Lair

Furries! Costumes! Artwork! Furry costumes! Wolves, poetry, rats, and much, much more.

House of Tee-Moss

All hail to the might of the great Vampire: the Masquerade storyteller! Join the PSL (Pop Subversion League)--we need all of the help we can get!

Assorted Online

Within the writing group formerly known as Weirdos Anonymous, two names stand out (namely because they have a website with stories, comics, 'n' stuff--not because they're better than the rest of you guys. :) Ah, yes. Gwen and Amanda. Also known as Zia and Scarlet. Take a look. How many things can you think of to do with a brick?

The Kiosk

Kendra's Site

Check it out--Kendra has not one, but two, count 'em, TWO websites. Look. Read. Enjoy. Jane Austen and Star Trek goodness!

The Pages

Jeremy's site. His novel, his interests, his pictures. Take a look.

The Pictures

Pictures of me and a few of my friends goofing off at Pagan Faire XI.

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