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Ken and Lucy Kirouac's (sounds like Earwax)

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(My apologies to those of you who came here looking for information on earwax. I admit that I used a cheap trick to get you to hit my site, but hey, it worked!)

*Remember guys, we're new to this, so please be gentle. doggy.gif (8206 bytes)

A little personal info first; As you've probably already guessed from the title, our names are Ken and Lucy Kirouac and this is our very first virtual Home! We are both 28 yrs old (in 1998) and, I'm very happy to say, were just married on August 9th 1997! I'm originally from ze tres belle ville de Montreal (LaSalle High rules!!!). Believe it or not, Kirouac is actually a French name ; I'm half French, half Irish, so when I'm completely plastered I have the unique ability to say ILUVFYOOOGUYSS with a snotty French accent - give it a shot wiseass, it's not so easy! I also happen to be a second cousin of the famous writer Jack Kerouac, although I don't like to admit it because he never could spell names very well.

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Anyhow, to make a short story long, I moved out here to Toronto to find work during the Great Recession (man, do I ever sound old! Grandpa couldn't've said it better himself!). As it turned out, I did manage to find work, and I also happened to discover the most breathtakingly beautiful woman in the world who, as luck would have it, turned out to be the love of my life [insert whipping sounds here]; Lucy D'Argenio (...and consequently have never had to worry about not finding work to do ever since! Just joking honey!).

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Lucy was born in Italy, but moved to good ol' Canada when she was just a wee little baby, and has called Toronto her home ever since. We both started working for the same firm around the same time in 1991; I started in the mailroom, and she was an accounts receivable clerk (She was the first person I ever delivered mail to; I shoulda known I was done for right then and there!) From those humble beginnings we have both slowly but surely climbed the ladder of success. Lucy is now an Accountant and I'm a Technical Support Advisor - both still working for the same firm I might add, though at different locations. When I first moved here so many years ago I had no idea what lay in store for me; I really was just a smart ass kid fresh out of school without a dime in my pocket, wandering around the streets of one of the biggest cities in the world. Who could have known that seven years later I'd find myself working in a cutting edge career for one of the largest professional organizations in the world, putting photos of my gorgeous wife and beautiful new home up on the Web for the world to admire? Go figure...

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*UPDATED* October 1999:

Hi guys, it’s me again. Just thought I’d give you all an update on how Lucy and I are doing after 2 very busy years of marriage: Pretty Damn Good!!! We’re still living in the same cozy little house in Toronto that we bought when we first got hitched, but ever since we got cable we’ve been working hard on renovations to make it even cozier. Hard work, but lots of fun !?! I’m a little sad to announce that Lucy doesn’t work for the same CA firm as I do anymore; she’s moved up to management for one of the largest banks in Canada! YAAAY!!! It’s a fantastic new job for her, plus we get to take lunch and ride the subway together now that she’s working downtown with me again. Just like the good ol’ days eh honey? (Awww! Am I a big puss, uh, wussy or what?) Me??? Well, I must admit I’m movin’ along pretty fast too. I still work for the same firm, but I’ve moved up into Project Management and now implement computer systems all across Canada. I sure picked a busy time to change career paths with Y2K and all, but what I’m loosing in sleep, I’m gaining in experience. Hopefully a little of it will still be useful after January 1st. I sure hope someone is writing all this down for Y3K! Sigh.

*UPDATED AGAIN* October 2002:

Hey, this one's a quickie cuz Yahoo told me if I didn't update this sad little site soon they'd wipe my pathetic cyber-ass offa the web. So what's up with us since the last time I wrote?...well, lets see...somehow we managed to survive the hellish Armagedon of Y2K and after all the radio-active dust cleared and the nuclear winter subsided we realized that Jan 1, 2000 was just another damp, chilly, polluted morning in good ol' Toronto, so we ate breakfast and went skiing or something - uh! what the fk, I can't remember last week never mind 2 years ago. I think I might have gotten my hair cut once or twice. Oh well, the point is Lucy and I are still alive and happy and I still type silly things on my computer when I should be doing work. (Shhhh! Don't tell Lucy!) Some things never change I guess. ;> Anyway, I hope everything is well with you and yours. Please come again, and don’t forget to drop us a line at…

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or our magical cyber forum.

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Et voila, ze wunderful wedding picturez...

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The former Ms. Lucia D'Argenio

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Mommy and Daddy's Little Girl

Carmela and Costantino D'Argenio with their lovely daughter

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Wild West circa 1897

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Cool and the Gang

Wedding Party (L to R): Bryn Taylor, Nick D'Argenio, Mike Kirouac, Heather Young, Me and Lu

Mike is my best man, who just happens to be my father.

Thanks again Dad!

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"Just you and I"

(our first song)

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Built for Drivers!

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...And Very Special Thanks to all our great friends and family who made our special day such a beautiful and happy event!!


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One for fun...

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Who the hell invited this guy?

(Funny, he looks so much taller on Seinfeld!)

Take Care,

Ken & Lucy

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Please feel free to send comments/questions/insults to:

email5.gif (9817 bytes) Kens_Cool_Email@yahoo.com email6.gif (2669 bytes)

...or you can just post your comments directly for the whole wide world to see at our magical cyber forum.

I will endeavor to ignore all of you, however I may choose to publish any truly insightful and creative thoughts such as the following;

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"The Ken and Lucy page is an inspirational work of conceptual electronic art! A veritable triumph over the gross abundance of modern day mediocrity threatening to infest the very essence of cyberspace today!"

-Ken 02/21/98

"The Ken and Lucy page bites!"

-Lucy 02/23/98

"How the hell do I change the #$%^&* channel on this stupid TV?"

-Mike 02/24/98
