Order of Ichdrasil

Oriundus Cui Cruoris, Iam Volo Intereo Cui Oriundus

Born In Blood, I Will Die In Blood

Creed : Tutamen, Supersto, Decus, Dominor
One thinks they have what it takes to be a Blood Angel ?
HA ! not bloody likely .....
but since the curiosity insists, we will try to make this as plain to understand as possible.
The Ritual of Making
To be considered among the ranks of a Blood Angel one must first endure the Ritual...which deals thusly :

#1 . One must be willing to die

#2.One must adhere to the oath that one takes

#3. One must understand that once the blood is accepted it carries the curse that one will fall under and once taken....there is no going back

With those thoughts firmly planted in mind we proceed to the next level which is the ways in which the Blood Angel live by ....
Tutamen, Supersto, Decus, Dominor
In it's most simplistic terms, Protection, Survival , Honor & Domination. These are the words that we want the initiate to plant and absorb for they are the watch words in which we base our actions.
Falter in those actions or disgrace the Order ...justice is swift and simple ....FINAL DEATH.
Blood Angels are fierce, extremely loyal and take the issue of code and honor very seriously. We are fierce protectors of those we consider friends or family and God help the one that harms any of the latter.
Does the prospective initiate wish to hear more ? or has the young one had enough yet ?

No ?...

Well ....impressive.....braver than we thought....
continue on to the next level...

The Oath of the Blood Angel

The initiate is taken to the Temple of Ichdrasil under escort. The temple consists of three main chambers, the first being the Dealbo chamber {latin: meaning to purify}. Here the initiate is then taken through the Pio {latin: purification rights} where they are made to strip of all worldly possessions, place a linen over garment on and left to brood about why they wish to come to this end. Next they are taken to the Vapulus chamber {latin: beaten} where the initiate is met by two elders of the Order. The initiate is drained to almost the point of death, given one drop of blood of the prospective sire and then made to face the Pugna Decerto {latin: fight to the finish}. The elders then beat the initiate senseless. Usually by the time the last part of the Purification is brought about the initiate is so exhausted he or she has to be physically brought to the Caliga {latin: darkness} chamber, the inner sanctum of the temple. Here the initiate goes through the Creperum Supersto {latin: survive the darkness}. The initiate is buried alive underground and given until the break of dawn to claw his way back to the surface and find his way out of the chamber. If the initiate is successful in doing this he will then be taken to the temple priest and the honor of the Cruoris Angelus Iusta {latin: Blood Angel Rites} will be bestowed upon him or her. Once the rites are bestowed then the initiate is taken back to the Vapulus Chamber where he or she is brought over completely by being allowed to partake of the blood of their sire. Thus creating the new brother or sister of the Order. The new brood member will then be helped through the transformation to the Cruoris Angelus.

Blood Angel Transformation

A Blood Angel is transformed thusly, the blood of the prospective sire is given by partaking in an sensuous assault on the senses. The sire/ess takes the new Angel brother or sister close and cradles them. They are then asked once again if this is the life they wish to embrace. Once accepted the sire/ess will then tease and touch and taste in any way imaginable. The new brother or sisters senses are drowned in sensual pleasure to lessen the pain of what is to come. Once the new one has had their fill the sire/ess stays to watch as the transformation takes place. The Angel can expect to feel very euphoric at first and then be brought down to their knees by excruciating pain. It starts with severe stomach cramps that double the new one over, then it escalates into fevered delirium. The Tzi part of the blood partaken then takes over and causes the new ones flesh to split and tear at the shoulder blades making only what can be described as wings sprout from the area broken. When fully extended these “wings” extend approximately 6 to 12 inches above the head and either touch or skim the floor at the feet. At the point the new Angel becomes proficient in the usage of the wings, they can learn to retract the muscle into the tendon making it give the appearance of never having been effected. Depending on the physical makeup and nationality of the respective Angel the wings can be crimson, silver, black, or a deep blue or a combination of any of those colors. The new Angel also takes on the appearance of extreme beauty thus keeping with the “angelic” nature of this creature. One drawback to this is the tendency of the Angel’s eyes to change color in the middle of emotional upheaval making it hard to camouflage the difference.

The Legend of Totenmacher
The Death Bringer
The last portion of the Order deals with the weapons they carry. Usually Blood Angels adhere to the old code, keeping swords as their main form of defense. These swords are forged in a ritualistic manner called Totenmacher and bound to each member by dipping the sword into a mixture of all members of the sects blood. The sword is then purified by an incantation that binds all Order members and keeps them loyal to the sect above all else. These swords are usually reserved for times when extreme force is needed because of the nature of these weapons. Only members of the Order know what these swords are capable of and to divulge it’s secret is considered an act against the Orders code. It will not be tolerated and will be dealt with as all other treachery is handled. Thus concludes the Order of Ichdrasil and its induction.

Still does one think they have what it takes?
We shall see............










Tutamen, Supersto, Decus, Dominor

Strengths and Weaknesses of a Blood Angel