Character Name: Mace Cannon
Player Name: Russell Jarvis
Chronicle: Heart of DarQness, Waste lender
Nature: caregiver
Demeanor: loner
Clan: Burjrh
Generation: 12
Sire: Milton ketch
Concept: outcast
Age (Mortal): 24
Age (Vampire): 102
Strength: 4
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 3
Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 2
Perception: 2
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 3
Alertness: 3
Brawl: 5
Dodge: 5
Leadership: 1
Subterfuge: 3
Animal Ken:
Firearms: 3
Melee: 5
Linguistics: 1
Occult: 3
Politics: 2
Science: 3
Weapons smith
Slight of hand
-Celerity: 1
-Potent: 2
Conscience/Conviction: 2
Self-Control/Instincts: 2
Courage: 3
Path of: Humanity
Path Rating: 4
Willpower: 6
-Concentrate 1
-mute 1
exp earned :6 Exp used:0 -History-
Mace grew up in LA, His father was a beach bum hippie who sold surfboards his mother was Samoan a lovely young woman with Polynesian eyes and skin. At age 20 he went to Kansas State collage and mastered in chemical sciences four-year masters. He was also part of the football and wrestling teams. He made state and was know for his strength as well as his sudden fits of hate and anger. Some might imagine being the biggest and the strongest to be a blessing, but he saw at as a curse, he feared his own strength and denounced himself as a freak. Thou others try to tell him otherwise he would not lesson. Mace become reckless and found himself one night in a bar fight after the fight had died down, his sire Milton came to him. He offered him acceptance and glory, his cures would be a blessing his might would save the world At the cost of his eternal obedience to the Sabbat and his tongue. Mace agreed to Milton terms, jokingly not knowing what he was getting into he assumed that this Milton was some crazy and if he where to agree then this crazy drunk would go away. Embraced at 24 and 4 months He soon found himself in a world he had not wanted and a life he found harder then any he had imagined. His sire trained him in the creating, and the use of blunt and bladed weapons. Taught him sign language for Milton had taken his tongue. He thou not whole-heartedly, accepted his role and accepted the Sabbat there motives being for “The greater good.” He learned that his size and strength where finely important. Not just for him but for the lives of everyone in his new life. He quickly gave up his mortal attitudes but kept his humanity sticking to what he felt was right or wrong and staying to them.
Mace Cannon. If Lou freganio is the hulk then Mace is the brute. Mace is 7’4 and 360 pounds. His short almond hair and soft brown eyes match his Polynesian skin. His body mass and tone are exceptional, showing an active life and an understanding of the strength of body. Mace looks to be 24 maybe older. He may look big and therefor you assume him dumb also but assumptions kill. His kind brown eyes hold knowledge if you care to look up into them. His good nature can change and leave him a danger to himself and others. Thou you feel it will not happen if he can help it. He wears a tight black shirt with turtleneck and long sleeves, and blue jeans. Clean white socks and soft-heeled boots brown imitation leather with subdued buckles and Velcro fasteners. He is wide in the shoulders looking near 4 feet and tapers to a size 54-inch waist. His arms bulge under the tight fabric of his black shirt reminding you of an action hero. He holds a Great War mace it being somewhere near 5 feet long made of polished machine steel. The head of this weapon is a foot long and half that wide with random sharp protruding spikes. He looks at though he could hold your head him his massive hands his hands being big enough to palm dinner plates or a basketball with room to spare. A leather harness he wears on his back. The harness that is meant to house this mace also has handgun holsters and magazine rings two on the left and one on the right the man being left handed. In each holster is a handgun. A nine mill on the right and one colt magnum, one desert eagle to the left each with three 9 round magazines and a magazine locked. He smiles pleasantly and looks around almost harmless looking.
Confermed kills.

Chomp Stalks the Deep. attained gear.
obsidian dagger with a pain spirit in it