Hycon Tendler
Character Sheet
NAME: Hycon Tendler
PLAYER: Russ Jarvis
PLAYER EMAIL: banyonlee@hotmail.com
NATURE: bystander
DEMEANOR: Outsider
CLAN: Pander
CONCEPT: Unwanted embrace/police/Swat officer
DEXTERITY: 3 (5 fb)
WITS: 4 (problem solving)
FIREARMS: 4 (6fb) (Quick draw)
LINGUISTICS: 2 (Spanish, French)
Generation 2 (2FB)
Resource 2 (2 FB)-$1200 per month
Contacts 1 (1FB) - her former commander
Obtenebration: 2 (shadow play, shroud of night)
Obfuscate: 1 (Cloak of Shadows)
Auspex: 1 (Heightened senses)
Eat Food: 1 pt Merit
Healing Touch: 1 pt Merit
Ambidextrous: 1 pt Merit
Strength of Shadows: 4 pt Merit
Conspicuous Consumption: 4 pt Flaw
Phobia-afraid of bright lights: 2pt Flaw
Disembodied shadow: 3pt Flaw
3 Uniforms-police issue
1 .38 revolver- police issue
1 Night stick- police issue
3 police issue Handcuffs and keys
1 Police scanner and multi channel radio
2 Police badge and identifications
1 Utility tool (Gerber tool)
1 Heckler and Koch usp (5.56mm)
1 M4 Carbine
($5,000 gained in bank plot)
1 car
1 apartment and furnishings
Hycon was born Sandra Bowmen and raised in Kansas on the 17th of July 1973. The daughter of a police woman on the Kansas police department and a doctor at Kansas general, she had the good life both parents a home safety and financial security. Her parents could have easily moved to the good side of town but their family had always lived in Kansas for generations the bowmen blood line had been one of the influencing families in Kansas. Their home had passed down threw the generations as a dowry and Hycon would one day inherit the lands when she herself was to marry. Unfortunately fate was not to allow that. She attended a private school in Kansas called the Martha Washington School for Girls in the years before it was abounded due to a fire. She was Raised Roman Catholic and after school she followed in her mothers footsteps with the support of both her parents and their influence. She trained hard as a police officer and accelerated in rank threw a combination of own talents and her families reputation, her world was looking good, a success story from the nightmarish landscape that is Necro-kansas. But Kansas is a living thing and it delights in the depraved and twisted, it is a beast of cruelty and irony. And Regardless of how you are blessed she will take it from you. And Kansas had its way with Hycon and her future. Hycon was promoted with in four years to a Special Weapons and Tactics Unit (Swat) and was gaining quite a reputation as a diligent and relentless officer when tragedy struck her full on. Her parent’s were both killed in a terrorist attack on the Kansas Mall. A bank truck full of masked killers smashed threw the front doors and killed most of the people in the mall with automatic and small arms fire. They were identified themselves as the Camarilla, a terrorist group that would later attack Missouri and kill the mayor and cause millions of dollars in property damage. The death of her parents affected her mentally and socially, she became reckless and aggressive. She took risks and lost two promotions but was allowed to stay on swat. She started drinking and became reclusive she started straying from her catholic upbringing and invited ruin into her life. She would volunteer for every mission go long stints of time without eating and sleeping and soon she was slipping into depravity. She was corrupt and well with in the reach of the cities will, and so the city took her. She was on an extraction mission; some psychopath was killing people in a night club.
Her unit arrived and was attempting to take the suspect out when he suddenly grabbed the first man in the file and tossed him like a rag doll. She was stunned and surprised; she and the others had never seen anything like that before. How could someone grab another man one handedly and toss him like a sack of flower. She fell back, she was terrified, she tried to run but her unit blocked her path. She tried to escape to the side but there was someone else there, someone amazingly fast and then she felt it...a hard blow to her head and then darkness.
Hours?...days?...weeks?...months? Later, she awakened in pitch blackness. A familiar scent filled her senses and made her want to cringe. With time her Motor functions came back and she was able to feel around herself, it was soft and bits of hard spots fur... its was a animal chewing on something on her chest? No, not on in in her chest. She could feel a sharp pain in her chest and she reached down to feel what it could be. IT was STUCK into her chest! She could feel dried, crusted blood around it. With a bout of energy and downright want to survive she grasped hold of it and wrenched it from her chest with an amazing show of strength. She fell unconscious for some unknown amount of time, but the stake was removed at least. Her eyes fluttered open and she licked her lips, her mouth was dry and her breath became hard, her eyes started to become adapted to the darkness. She strained to see around her and she began to see things that were closer up to her. It became an unholy horror as she saw that she was lying on top of a pile of bodies. Not only simply bodies.. but the bodies of the people from the night club and she could see one of her squad members. She screamed loud and hard...panic overcame her senses; she crawled into a corner and cried uncontrollably. After another of what can be assumed as a few days she became desperately hungry and that familiar scent started to smell so very good to her. She shook her head not liking the thoughts that were plaguing her mind. On the next day she awakened with blood and ash on her hands, her squad partners body was gone.. all that was left was a pile of his clothes that were bloody and ripped to shreds. She cried out once more, now she knew something was DEFINITELY not okay. She looked all around her in a total and complete panic. She heard a scratching sound and then she heard laughter. The laughing echoed for quite sometime. It was a rather high pitched eerie laughter that filled her mind and made the panicking much worse. The Laughing stopped abruptly and more scratching noises are heard. Her eyes frantically searched the darkness for an answer, She HAD to escape this place, this hell. As her eyes strained they revealed a small vent up a few feet from her grasp. She jumped a few times and could barely reach it. Her survival instinct once again saving her ass, she grabbed body by body and began stacking them up. She grabbed hold of one and that scent, that feeling came over her, she swallowed a few times and shook her head. She knew that she would die if she didn't eat something soon so she gave in. Before she knew it she had consumed an arm and had sucked the blood from what she found now to to be a woman. She remembered seeing her at the club, crouched down under a table in the cafe area. She was clutching a small child to her chest and crying hysterically. She dropped the body and it turned to ash right there before her eyes. She shook her head in disbelief at what she just saw. She began to cry again and the smell of blood filled the air. it dripped down into her mouth from somewhere. She wiped the tears from her face and found that the back of her hand was covered in blood. She screamed again and began to pile bodies faster. She finally had enough to get to the vent, by now she could see in the room very clearly as if someone had a bright flashlight before her eyes. She inspected the vent, damn it was screwed on, the screws are philips head. She climbed down and began to search bodies. She found two more of her squad, she took their hand cuffs and their keys, only one had his weapon and two clips. She also got a bulletproof vest and a nightstick. Whoever was laughing before wouldn't be laughing for long if they came back. She climbed back up and used the keys to loosen the screws one by one. It took HOURS. Finally she managed to open it and she began climbing through the vent system. After a while she began to mark where she had been with one of the keys. She would stop and look through the vent openings to see what she could. This place seemed to be some kind of prison or something but it was all poorly lit and dark. She counted three times that she had fallen asleep. She could feel hunger welling up inside her body and she couldn't do a damned thing about it, all she could do was climb around, she went up a few times too...this place was pretty friggin' deep into the ground.
The last night she saw a light from a flashlight, it hurt eyes horribly. She waited for who or what it was to come into view. She climbed out of the vent with an unusual quietness and leapt on top of the man wielding the flashlight. She bent down and bit into his neck, ripping a large chunk of it out, blood spraying in every which direction. She sucked the blood from him and then proceeded to eat chunks of his flesh. She chewed her way to his heart and she ate it, then his spleen, and liver before she awakened and became aware of what she had done. What WAS she? How did this all happen to her? Was it a dream?
Before she could even begin to think of the answers she heard clapping and the same laughter coming from the doorway of this large room. She observed that it was a large room with a fountain in the center of it, it had been destroyed it seems, perhaps a tornado or something. Who? What? *She wiped the blood from her face with the back of her hand and looked him very curiously, much like a child who just didn't understand. She had indeed been through hell in the last few weeks she had been down there. The man she soon came to find was named Jack Griffith, Ductus of the Blood Guns. She had been the product of what the vampires called a mass embrace. She had become a vampire. She had only heard stories growing up and watched horror movies, she hadn't a clue how it really was. Who does? She also learned that she was clan less a Pander...that is what they called the ones who didn't know what they were. She was taught what the Sabbat and the Cammarilla were. Through many experiments and much time she found that she had many abilities and some very useful ones to say the least.