Banyon Kellen Magnus Lee
*Banyon looks to be a 25 year old male of average height and weight, not as attractive as most of his kinsmen he has some unsightly scaring on his chin and neck possibly from a fire or some other accident. Serbian pale skin and hazel eyes tainted with speckled white as the hazel starts to fade indicating the atrophy of his eyes, brown hair in a small but identifiable mullet. Dressed in the styles of the Serbian people which are typically five years behind the Americas he wears a torn blue jean jacket with 80’s rock band names and patches adorning it. His pants are full length kakis cut to just below the knees and he wears army boots with socks. The tell tale white arm ribbon and white and red cane indicate his impartment to those who are familiar with international and European civil markers identifying him as blind. His dieing eyes forever cast ahead of him sightlessly save for the occasional and sometimes seemingly instinctive piercing glance.*
"Trust and you will be trusted, said the liar to the fool." ~Banyon Lee
Alternate Identity
Rolan Kent
Clan Brujah
Banyon serves the Sabbat as a cammarilla infiltrator.
Alternate Identity
Akane Chang
Unaffiliated, emergency identity
" 群集のちょうど別の表面 " ("Just another face in the crowd") ~Akane Chang
Banyon's history
Banyon was born in Bosnian lands as Drecard
Alstron to Serbian parents. Raised in the heart of the wars of the Kingdome of
the Slavic against the Turkish and Ottoman empires for control of the now Baltic
lands of the Transylvanian mountains. The Ottoman Sultans attempted to
implement various economic reforms in the early 19th century in order to address
the grave issues mostly caused by the border wars. The reforms, however, were
usually met with resistance by the military captaincies of Bosnia. The most
famous of these insurrections was the one by Captain Husein Gradaščević in 1831.
This was Drecards father. Gradaščević felt that giving autonomy to the eastern
lands of Serbia, Greece and Albania would weaken the link between Bosnia and the
Ottoman Empire. He raised a full-scale rebellion in the province, joined by
thousands of native Bosnian soldiers who believed in captains prudence and
courage, calling him Zmaj od Bosne (the Bosnian dragon). Being 16 years old at
the time, Drecard fought as well to protect his lands and his freedom. Drecard
knew that his life would come to an end on the battlefield or in an
assassination attempt on his father’s life for that was the most common end for
the family of a warlord. He had little prospects in life, for the life of the
child of such a man is well documented threw history, typically killed when his
father is overthrown or killed when he took up the traditions of his father, and
so he soon gave up all together and accepted his fate.
Drecard fought for years win or lose, until
a twist in fate brought forth a chance he had never even imagined. The lords of
the lands just north had sent reinforcing troops to his unit. The Transylvanians
brought with them weapons and supplies but they also brought something else; a
vampire. Drecard did not know this vampire save by appearance; he never learned
its name. His father had made a deal with the Transylvanians to trade his son to
be a member of their order for aid to the army a ruthless and cold thing to do,
to trade your only son for more weapons of war. His father was tyrannical, and a
war mad man. Nothing else had mattered to his father and so after some negations
they had accepted and Drecard found himself on the short end of his fathers deal
or so he had thought. At the time he did not see that he would be led to a
better life, a much greater end than that of the son of a war monger. He now
belonged to the sword of Cain a new war and a new life or rather unlife.
Despite winning several notable victories,
notably at the famous Kosovo polje, the rebels were eventually defeated in a
battle near
Sarajevo in 1832 after Husein-kapetan, Drecards
father, was betrayed by Herzegovinian nobility. Husein-kapetan was banned from
ever entering the country again. His father’s fate was sealed when he was
eventually poisoned in Istanbul. Nevertheless, the Empire continued to decline.
So in the end it all came down to selling out a son when your fate had already
been sealed by the gods. He had in a way saved his son.
The Dragons are not soft nor are they
forgiving of the humanity of others. Soon Drecards horror and his pain were
manifold. For four years he apprenticed or rather slaved in the sinister service
of a commonly natured tzimice. To him and his human ways his tutor seemed cruel
and wicked, depraved and twisted. Pain and torture both mental and physical were
his daily work and his daily bread and soon he found himself slipping into the
grotesque and madding hell of the masters of the vladidesic lands.
As the years passed, the monstrosities
seemed to unlock their enigmatic puzzles to his understanding and he soon saw
the pleasure in the pain. He found the truth in the flesh and the power that can
be gained through the use and misuse of the bodies of him and others. This new
world of diverse horror was a place of answers to secrets and powers of magic
that he could not have imagined in his most fever or drug induced dreams. His
tutor a Kuldonist, or magic user of the Tzimisce, was only one of the two major
types of the order of dragons, for their where two casts in this army of fiends:
warriors and wizards. He had the fortune, or rather the misfate ,of becoming an
apprentice to a wizard. She was a Tzimisce who jealously guarded the secrets of
her name and her life from the others of the cast and sect. Maybe because it was
all that remained truly hers, but for whatever reason, her secretive nature
never allowed Drecard to become close to his tutor. He was to be trained to be a
wizard priest, part of this was his seemingly perfect memory (merit eidetic
memory.) Unlike the warriors who spent many hours in planning and in battle with
the false dragons, these Tremeer who he came to understand as humans that stole
the blood of dragons and tainted it with their mortal magic’s and claimed to
have a birthright to the land but in fact are nothing but lecherous thiefs. The
wizards spend their time in the pursuit of knowledge and magics, tending to
their twisted flesh creations and seeking the answers in the horrid macob world
that they create, they pray to a creator named Lillith and seek her truth
through death and pain. His four years with his tutor seemed to crawl by. As the
time had stood still, he refused to relent the shreds of his human nature
despite his masters’ attempts to remove them and lead him to the path of
enlightenment. The years filled his mind with the learning of rituals and of
skills of pain and torture until at last it seemed to him that he could learn no
more and he hungered to exceed his masters’ teachings.
In an act of defiance, he disobeyed his
master and went without permission to the great library and started reading text
that he had been forbade to read. His master was outraged with him and in his
anger grabbed Drecards head and flesh crafted the optic nerve from out of the
back of his eyes and connected them to the inside of his skull blinding him and
from that day his tutor resented him for his disobedience. His punishment was
nothing new in the larger understanding, but to him the horror of blindness was
much more then he thought he could bear. His humanity slipped from him as he
wallowed in self pity and horror but his tutor would not let him stop his
training. A year later he had finished the remainder of his training blind,
learning English, German, French and his native language as well as brail, His
sire in his twisted humor embraced Drecard with out repairing his eyes a cruel
and hateful thing to due but common and comical in the eyes of the Tzimisce. He
was now a Dragon of the wizard cast and though blind, he had passed his trials
and earned his dark prize now his real training would start.
For in his elevated new form, the form of
the vampire, he had heightened senses of hearing, taste, smell and feeling. In
the life span of normal men and women many come to train their senses to
identify people and things memories rooms and the such but with the many fold
effects of the power of auspex(page 149 core book, description of blind flaw.)
These required no such amounts of time, in but a few years he was able to tell
males and females apart by the weighty impact of there feet upon the ground, the
scent they carried and even the items they carried with them would give him the
telltale signs to let him know who someone was and were they where. From the
reverb of their steps on wood and stone to the cold drafts of certain rooms or
the smell of the others around him he adapted to the world of the blind and as
his powers grew he became more adept to this new form of sight, for it became
easier with the introductions of Aura reading (page 150 core book) into his
powers to see the world around him. Everything had an aura, living and dead
beings and even plants and animals and with a few years training he was able to
use these gifts from Caine to give him new eyes, the eyes of the spirit world,
the eyes of the mind and he was able to do all that those who can see can do but
with minor difficulties. Firing a gun or the use of a bow required him
concentrating and he took more time then others, for while your mind processes
the image in milliseconds he has to think about the whole action, image it in
his mind throguh the use of his senses. In a packed room or a crowd, reading the
auras and checking your senses takes some effort only through years of training
and effort was Drecard capable of becoming competent in the skills of conflict
though he would never truly master the skills.
He spent sixty years among his brother and
sisters in the order of the dragon’s honing his skills of magic and combat among
his peers. Learning of the Sabbat and the clan he has been born into and about
their time honored enemy the Camarilla. The time is now sixty four years since
his father traded him to the Tzimisce and he has grown to his new life. He
excels at his arts through the blessings of auspex and vicissitude and soon he
draws the attentions of some of his superiors as many may know the dragons are
not only warriors and wizards, but master spies, artists and tortures. He is
called upon by the Sabbat to infiltrate the camarilla and he has two things
going for him, his blindness or the idea there of, will make him seem less of a
danger to the camarilla as he can not identify or betray them to the Sabbat or
visa versa and he still has the skills needed to gather information and play the
game. Using his trained mind and the heightened senses of his flesh he studied
under the best spies that they could make available to him and learned the skill
of disguise and created an alternate identity. Survival in this world is often a
hard and dangerous game but, Caine blesses the strong with power and soon his
mastery of lower auspex led to empathic and precognitive premonitions that gave
him the edge he needed to survive among his clan,(page 150 Core book) his sect
and the everyday dangers that confronted him. When his clan and the sect felt
that he was ready to perform his duties they sent him to Missouri as the Sabbat
movement there is small and they are in need of desperate need of infiltrators
to help smuggle in and establish the sect in the city. He develops a alternate
identity of Roland Kent, Acknowledged brujah, in the courts of
Germany. He
through the promigen contacts the courts in Missouri to let them know that he
wishes to come to Missouri to see how the Ivory tower in the America is and that
he may be staying if he likes it in America. This is because a member of the
camarilla is a member of the camarilla no matter were he is, and once you arrive
in a city you simply need to contact the promigen. You need to have the
footwork done to be acknowledged in court in that city and with the promigen at
his court letting the promigen of the new court know to expect him its not a
hard thing to accomplish. He uses this to infiltrate the courts of Missouri and
play his part in the jihad.