From the diary of Megan:

Just because things look like they are a bed of roses for me,right out of the gate,that wasn't a total constant for me in the real world. About the worst possible thing I could ever imagine having to live through happened when my parents died. Because all of us kids were underage,we were split up. Molly and my brother were sent to live with our uncle,while I was sent to our only surviving aunt,Constance was her name,to be raised. None of us had ever met our new guardians.

Because we all missed our mom and dad,and each other,things didn't go all that smoothly at the beginning. Due to the fact that our parents had instilled certain traits in us,we were able to get into the hang of following the new rules that governed our lives rather quickly. It was as if things had never ceased to be the way they were in the past.