From the diary of Megan:

When all was said and done in the next letter, the reply which came, after the usual interval, finally accomplished what my aunt and I wanted.

Rather than have me visit every year, when summer vacation rolled around next year, Molly and the governess were going to come to America, something which spooked me at first, when I read a bit more of the letter, I found out exactly what was going on. My mother would only be coming along to make sure that Molly arrived at her intended destination, then she would return to England.

When I showed my aunt the letter, she was glad that the governess would not be staying the entire summer vacation. I was kinda glad too, when I discovered that my aunt hated my mother, for similar reasons as what I had, I wanted to ask her why she disliked the governess so, which I did. What I discovered told me that my aunt did care about me, she felt that the governess was trying to talk me into doing things which went against what I knew to be right and wrong.