From the diary of Megan:

As I believed, the dinner was uneventful. The usual talk which would normally be conducted around the dinner table, back at my uncles home, took place here, no big deal, due to how the governess didn't ask too many questions. When the meal itself reached the final course, dessert, ah that turned out to be something of a surprise. In light of the fact that this whole meal had the secondary purpose of allowing my uncle to do something for both my sister and I, because he had missed the chance to celebrate my birthday, when it actually rolled around, the cake that was brought out, showed me that which he had kept a surprise.

Once that last part was dealt with, it was time to call it a day. Just before I did that, I went to where my aunt was, and told her how the evening had gone. She was kind of disappointed that she had missed out on the whole affair, however, what she did miss wasn't all that different than what she had been involved in, so, the two kind of canceled one another out.