Once I had dealt with the usual tasks I had to take care of, no matter where I was, I felt that it might be a good idea to see what had been purchased for me, something which the governess had no problems with. When I lifted the lid off of the box, I allowed a small gasp of surprise to escape from my mouth. I had never seen something as nicely made as what was in my hands now, that fact tipped me off to something else, there was no way in the world that either my mother or my aunt could have afforded something as fancy, and expensive as this dress. Due to that, I asked the governess who had really purchased this new article of clothing for me, when she replied that both her, and my aunt, had picked it out, while my uncle payed for it, I felt that the act of charity, which was necessary, was one which would serve to redefine my life, in a rather small way, from this moment forward.