Because both my aunt and I were rather tired from the trip,the event I spoke of wouldn't be taking place until the following day,when all three,brother,sister,and uncle,were home. Such a thing wasn't a big deal for my uncle,as the reservations which he had instructed the governess to make,could be bumped back a day,if such a thing were necessary. After that,things were rather smooth sailing,until the governess got a look at the only dress I currently owned,that is.
She didn't like it. Don't get me wrong,she felt it was a fine looking dress,however,given the fact that my uncle liked to go to restaurants which were rather classy,she felt that it wouldn't be a good enough one to wear to such a place. Luckily for me,she had a solution,she was gonna see if it was okay to take me shopping in the morning,so we could find something which might be a better match to the kind of establishments my uncle frquented.
I was hoping she intended to include Aunt Constance in the plans she was making. Alas,that wasn't gonna be possible,due to the fact that my aunt planned to go sightseeing with my uncle tomorrow morning.