When she asked me a couple of questions,I responded to her questions,in ways which did not please her. She asked me why it was that I still considered her a governess,and not a mother. I told her exactly why,if she had any intention of my accepting her as such,why the heck did she give me away,as if I were one of daddys prize horses,which could be traded for something of greater value? That was the only answer I gave her,which bugged the hell out of her. She made a move towards me,like she was gonna turn me over her knee,she restrained herself,by telling me that she had to do such a thing,as she couldn't afford to support both her and I,as well as Molly,until now.
Her second question,was a better one to deal with. She wanted to know if I felt it was the right time to tell Molly about her parentage. I told her no,she should know,when she could ask the same kinds of questions I did. With that done,she asked me a third question. Would I ever feel comfortable in calling her mother,I replied to that one,in a fashion which was similar to her first question which dealt with that topic. Not right now,perhaps someday,when I have fully accepted the matter.