From the diary of Megan:

The revelations,which followed on the heels of the first batch,were even more thought provoking than those first ones had been. I am not talking about meeting my uncle,I am referring to what my governess shared with me,while I was unpacking my clothes in my room. She showed up,and wanted to know why it was that I had forgotten her. Since I didn't have any memory of her,and because I was meeting her for the first time,I asked her what she was talking about.

Right after I finished,she explained what was behind her question. She told me that she was my mother,something which I stronlgy doubted,due to how I knew that such a thing wasn't so. My first memory,of being held by my now dead mother,stateside,all those years ago,invalidated her words. Or so I thought. The governess claimed that it was she who had held me,to reveal me to my father.