While the sight of the house,the changes to my brother and sister,and many other things,might have been rather surprising,the biggest shocks were yet to come. One of the curveballs that was thrown,was the cousin which had not been mentioned by my uncle. He had only one son,named Daniel,which made him luckier than what my aunt was,right out of the gate.
Having to deal with another younger sibling wasn't a bad thing,the next minor surprise I had to deal with,was also a good one,due to how it answered a question which had been unanswered for too long a time. My uncle had enough room on the property which made up his home,for a stable area,while my aunt was taking care of the task of unpacking,I was taken to the stables by the governess.
In the third stall from the big door,was my stallion,which I had no hopes of seeing ever again,due to how he had been sold at an auction,after my mom and dad died. It didn't take a genius to figure out that my aunt had somehow managed to keep TJ out of the hands of everyone,except for my uncle,so that my mount and I would one day be reunited.