From the diary of Megan:

My first sight of my temporary home,proved to be an unwelcome change from my preferred dwelling. The place which my uncle owned was huge,so much so that I didn't quite understand how only three people could dwell there all the time. I was quickly told of how wrong I had been. While it was true that,my uncle,brother,and sister did live in the house,they weren't the only people who called such a place their primary residence.

My uncle had hired people,both to tend the various parts of the house,and someone to look after the children,that person being the governess,the same person who would be in charge of me,once Aunt Constance departed. When I met the governess,I had the strangest feeling I knew her from somewhere. That was something which the caretaker of the children shared with me,when we were introduced,she let her gaze rest on me a long time,as if studying me to see how I'd changed,a sure sign that she knew me.