From the diary of Megan:

Even though I wanted to believe that my aunt knew I'd do the right thing,by returning to where I felt safest,I had to wonder what it would be like if I didn't choose to go back to living within her four walls. That part had me mistrusting my heart,I really didn't want to have to choose between my aunt and an uncle I'd yet to see,I felt that when push might come to shove,I would do as both she and I feared.

Right now,I was more concerned about getting through the summer,the fact that my brother and sister had probably gone through more changes than the ones which would be obvious,I knew that I had my work cut out for me,reestablishing my ties to them,and telling them how I had been doing since we parted company. Sooner than I was ready to,I found out just how much my loyalty to my aunt was gonna be tested.