From the diary of Megan:

While the two of us waited for the ride to where we would be staying,the question which was answered the most uneasily,was the one which was the most important one my aunt could ask. She wondered if I was ready to meet my brother and sister once more,when it was my turn to speak,I hesitated,simply because I wasn't sure how well I might be remembered by the previously mentioned pair. Just because I still remembered my brother and sister,it had been nearly two years,soo,like it or not,there was bound to be some forgetting on both parts.

I was also concerned about being with someone I had yet to meet,for an entire summer,then going back and trying to live under the rules which my aunt ran her life. Little did I know that my aunt was thinking about the same thing,from her point of view,one which ran on a nearly similar track as the one which my mind ran.