From the diary of Megan:

The following morning found me back in my usual routine. Every thing was okay until I got to school. Because I was still tempted to believe that what happened last night was all a dream, I brought my diary with me to school. As I read my account of the events,I didn't realize that I was falling behind in the lesson my teacher was talking about to the entire class. When I happened to notice that he was staring at me,I quickly returned my attention to the lesson.

During study hall,things got worse. I was caught staring out the window,lost in a daydream,by my homeroom teacher Mrs. Firebrick. Because I'd gotten in trouble earlier,this new incident earned me a trip to the principal's office. The end result of that was an afternoon of detention. Once I was done with that,I got in even more trouble with my dad. That was because I had to have him come and take me home. His punishment for what happened to me was worse than detention. At least in detention I couldn't get my backside blistered.