From the diary of Megan:

The problem of my feeling knee high to a grasshopper,in terms of attitude and background,to Laura,was something that I believe the schools' guidance counselor,wanted desperately for me to leave behind,as it was keeping me in a state of constant self hate. The same thing applied to whenever I had to meet with the therapist,and how he wanted me to accept that my aunt loved me,even though I didn't believe she cared. Because I knew that my aunt had her hands full,trying to get me to behave,I doubted that three or four more people like me,in addition to her,would be too much for her to handle. Even though that was so,it might not hurt to see if she might be willing to allow only one person to spend the weekend,that person being Laura.

When it was lunchtime,I called Aunt Constance,and told her what was going on. When I was done,I turned to Laura,and told her that my aunt had said yes,provided it was only Laura who spent the weekend. When I was done,Laura told me that she would be over on Friday evening,probably after she ate dinner that evening. I would remind Aunt Constance the closer it got to Friday,just so she would remember what she had agreed upon.