From the diary of Megan:

The next day,the problem which I had been dreading,finally caught up to me. As I was walking down the hall towards my locker at school,Laura and I ran into one another,after we talked for a few moments,she asked me the question that I was hoping she never would,why was I hesitating to invite her over to my house. When I didn't answer her right away,she asked me if it was due to how I appeared uneasy,whenever I was in the company of someone as well off as her,or some of our other friends. When I goofed up and admitted that her status had been a problem for me,in the past,my worst fear was now a reality,I had destroyed the friendship I had with Laura.

Even though I believed that was so,a moment later,I found out otherwise. Laura admitted she was a bit hurt by my confession,and she was also confused by it. She didn't understand why I had kept my fear a secret from her. What I said next didn't do much to help her understand my position. I told her that I was worried about how people might look down on her if she was seen associating with me,like they had in the past when we first met.