One of the things which prevented me from asking Laura over right away was the fact that Aunt Constance might still be mad at me,over some little goofup which had happened after the first problem. I also wasn't sure if she would be able to handle two or more girls in her house for as long a time as what Laura's slumber party had been. All of that other stuff was just a smokescreen for the real problem,my own feelings of not measuring up to Laura's level in so many ways. Not just her,I felt that way about many people in general.
When the matter was thought about at great length,I was pretty sure that the main cause of my sudden battle with low self esteem could be traced back to the main problem,my new living sitaution. The matter could have been resolved differently,if my grades hadn't started to suffer on account of the new problem. Because of that,the school's guidance counselor felt I needed to talk to someone other than them,to find out why I wasn't able to accept the situation. Instead of that,I was doing the exact opposite,basically,I was rejecting everything that Aunt Costance wanted.
Their idea didn't sound too good to me,however,I really didn't have a choice in the matter. As I suspected,my first visit to the therapist they suggested ended up doing more harm than good.