About a month or so after we met,Laura finally figured out a way to repay me for having been so kind to her. I was sitting in my usual spot under the tree I claimed,trying to read a book which had been assigned as required reading by my English teacher,when she walked up to where I was sitting. Now that she had been here awhile,she had made some friends,some of whom accompanied her when she told me what she had planned for this weekend. She was gonna invite a bunch of her friends over for a slumber party. Because I had never been asked to such an event before,I was glad that it was only Tuesday,and that the event was gonna take place this weekend,that way,I would have some time to think about her offer and let her know,one way or the other,about my plans for the weekend.
With that done,they walked away. Before they had gone more than twenty feet,the leader of the group asked Laura why she wanted to associate with someone who was beneath her. When Laura didn't answer right away,the girl asked if she had extended the invitation to me out of pity,to which Laura replied no,rather strongly. Rather than press the issue,the girl dropped the matter. After thinking about it some,I still wasn't sure if I wanted to go to the event,the thing which changed my mind was the fact that Laura had done what she did out of respect for me,and what I had done for her. Because of that,I found myself accepting her invitation. The rest of the week went by rather quickly,and before I knew it,Friday had rolled around,which meant the slumber party was twenty-four hours away and counting.