Winner, May 1999.
Welcome to Gargoyles: Clan Manhattan, a story of future New York
based on the Disney television series Gargoyles. I, like most
of you who will read this, was (and still am) a fan of the series, and
was sad to see it go.
So, I proudly present the fruits of my love, this fiction cycle. Enjoy!
Table of Contents
Meet the Cast
Read the Current Story
Visit the Story Archive
View the Gallery
Research the Xanacorp Files
View all of the Webrings
Been a while since I updated the main site. I've added a couple of links to German gargoyle sites, in addition to the site for Elisa Maza, who wore an awesome Elisagoyle costume in Dallas. (and who I might also add is a good sport about being dead in the cycle. ;)
For new stories, check out the WCC home page (click on the banner below). WCC is to the halfway point. Only five more stories to go ...
And as always ... Enjoy! DAM, 31 October
Some new artwork in the Gallery on this update.
I must also take this time to sincerely apologize to all of you waiting for the new WCC chapter. Your continued patience is appreciated, my life has gone through almost literally heaven and hell these last few months, which needless to say has left me with very little time. On top of that, some of my notes on the characters have disappeared ... and very few people have responded to my SOS call thus far. Please, if your characters haven't appeared yet, send me a message with the basics of your character so I can get it written.
And as always ... Enjoy! DAM, 7 March

Contributor to "When Clans Collide!"
Gargoyles characters and indices are copyright 1994-97 Disney/Buena Vista Television, all rights reserved. Characters from The Gargoyles Saga are copyright ... well, whoever holds the copyrights on TGS characters. Characters are used without permission from the owners; author receives no profit from the works contained in this website (although I wish I would.)
I would be remiss not to acknowledge the two main sources of inspiration
for Clan Manhattan: the writers who produce "The Gargoyles Saga: Gargoyles"
on the Web, as well as Skydancer, whose
fanfic cycle
plays a major part of this story. Thanks mucho.
E-mail with comments: the Castle likes receiving mail.
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