Our darkest hour is upon us.
Our resources are few, our reinforcements exhausted.
And yet, the invasion continues.

But one man, one halfling man has now brought us hope.
Bringing warriors from other planes of reality, he has given us our last chance.
Our best chance ... for victory!

When Clans Collide!

Read "Into the Fray"
Read "Team Alpha"
Read "Team Bravo"
Read "Team Charlie"
Read the Current Story, "Team Delta"
View the List of Participants
Read what precedes: Gargoyles: Clan Manhattan

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Okay, I know I promised the moon. But is one crater okay?
Due to my real-life personal crises, not to mention an absolutely insane work schedule and other wild things happening in my life, I will be presenting When Clans Collide! in this format. But it doesn't mean I have gotten nothing done. Click above to read the first bookend, "Into the Fray." I know not all of you who donated characters to me have characters that appear, but be patient, I'm doing the best I can here. And watch this space ... hopefully, I can put these up at about the same rate I posted G:CM's stories.
So my party at the Gathering won't be a wrap party. But we can still party down (I'm bringing the Vernor's!!). If you're coming to Dallas this weekend, I look forward to meeting you in person. If not ... you'll be in our minds as we enjoy our time together.
And as always ... Enjoy! --DAM, 20 June
Sorry it's late ... again. Anyway, the first of the Team stories is up, and pretty soon, I'll have WCC's first two available at the GFW. And as always ... Enjoy! DAM, 13 July
Okay, I'm not going to delete any of the prior updates so that you can see my progress. Anyway, "Team Bravo" is now posted, for your entertainment. And as always ... Enjoy! DAM, 11 August
Okay, experimenting a bit with fonts this update ... oh, and "Team Charlie" is now posted for your entertainment. And while you're here, sign the Guestbook and leave birthday greetings for Rosanna ... in my ficverse, today would be the day she is born. :)
And as always ... Enjoy! DAM, 26 August
Whew ... been a while. I know, I know, this is coming out even slower than I'd promised, but real life has been really killin' me lately ... not only that, but those of you readers who know about my personal life know that I've gone through emotional meltdown in the last month. Once you read "Team Delta," I think you'll understand why I had such a difficult time writing it. On a more fun note, kudos go to Christine Morgan, as if I haven't given her enough, for her work on "Rain and Rosanna," the WCC postlogue ... be warned, if you don't want to know how WCC ends, don't read it yet. :)

Anyway, just in time for Halloween, here's the newest part of WCC. An as always ... Enjoy! DAM, 31 October

"Gargoyles," its characters and indices are copyright 1994-97 Disney/Buena Vista Television, all rights reserved. Said characters and indices are used without permission. Characters from "The Gargoyles Saga" are copyright 1998-99 ... well, whoever holds the copyrights on TGS, all rights reserved. Said characters and indices are also used without permission. Participating characters in WCC are copyright their respective owners, all rights reserved (click the link to view the creators). Said characters are used *with* permission from their respective owners. All other characters not covered previously are original characters of Don A. "Coyote the Bando" Martinez. Please do not use them without my permission. Sadly, the author gains no profit from this work. Thank you.
An open letter to all WCC's contributors

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