Here is a listing of some of the many Advanced Dungeon and Dragons links out on the web. If you would like me to add your page to the list email me at:
Double Trouble

I will get it on ASAP. If you locate a broken or misdirected link, please email me and let me know. Enjoy the links.

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Morbad th' Worst
Supporter of the
Adopt a Dragon Foundation

The creative world of Gary Gygax
Smoothgame - Online roleplaying and reference library
Valhalla - gaming board where you can talk about games, multimedia, politics, and more
Dungeon Mastermind
Greyhawk, The Land Of Oerth
The World of Khoras - it's a fully detailed fantasy world/campaign setting
Wasporl's Dark Caverns
Cotton's Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Webpage
Spider's AD&D Page
Furyon's Realm
Kal Tarathorn Campaign world and links
The Dagger's Den - Information & links
DragonRaid FTP archive
The Great Net Book Spell and Prayer books
Illuminati Online FTP Site
iquest FTP RPG archive
Multi-Player Games Network The ftp.mpgn.com RPG archive
DragonQuest FTP site
University of Michigan FTP site
Amber Diceless FTP RPG Site
Dungeon and Dragon Link page: Has links, several picture pages, and a few webrings.
The Wanderer Good RPG page. Links and rings
ftp.funet.fi Roleplaying FTP site
The Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Underground
WebRPG The internet source for role playing game info
AD&D Contents: A page where one can find several magical items, NPCs, etc.
Larry's AD&D Page New rules and items
The Traps Page Many cruel, twisted and/or demented traps & useful utilities
Raven's Realm Totally Ravenloft material.
The Realm of Chaos.
Tao-Liang's Dragonlance Page
The Thieves Lair: an interesting page with some nice info
The Lost Citadel
The Dungeon: a collection of DM assisting tools
Glorantha Page A campaign world
@Fantasy Lots of adventure role playing goodies
Irony Games Role playing by e-Mail & Dice rolling page
Dungeons & Dragons: A Canadian Web Site: Another page full of links, as well as a description of the complaints players have for TSR's copyright laws
Jens-Arthur Leirbakk's RPG resource
Apocrypha More links
Li Po's Hermitage Advanced Dungeons & Dragons info

Email: Double Trouble
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, AD&D, logos, and Dungeon Master are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.