Welcome To My Homepage
Hi my name is J.R., also known as the infamous
Wil Pilfersome! :)
Here's a little bit about me. I was born in Dover, De.
I now live in New Castle, Delaware. In a nice 2 floor apartment. Living up north (northern Dela-Where anyway) is better than I thought it would be. :) Things are going really well. :)
I am almost always online (whether or not I'm actually home is
another matter). And you can always drop me a msg w/ ICQ (the
best damn free internet program out there) at 74511027 (formerly 4222743 but thanks to my dumbass friend that one's gone forever). Or Aim at Sh0tZ6969. :) Although I use Trillian.
Something that I love to do is to go white water rafting, if you've never done it, you should try it some time. Precision Rafting
is a great group to raft with.
Something else that I've been into a good bit lately is reading about politics and other shit going on in the world. So, since I do a good bit of reading (and since I'm young, or so I hear) I'm of course fairly liberal. I really don't like Bush 2.0 (not that 1.0 was that great). It seems to me like this whole war is just over oil. Of course, isn't money always what it's all about? I spose that's what we should expect when we didn't even vote our president into office, but there he is. And what's he gonna do while he's in there? Make money for big business. Oh well, what're you going to do? :) Prolly be marked by the Secret Service for termination. :P He still got re-elected... Anyway, enough politics.
I was born in 1980. That would make me Twenty Seven right now. :)
I don't really do much partying anymore, since I'm always working.
I don't really throw parties anymore either, I do still go to clubs and/or raves every once in awhile. :)
Favorite Type Of Music:
Basically Anything :) I like to dance, but only to my type of music.:)
Recently I've been listening to System of a Down. They kick ass. Great political rock/metal.
Favorite Movies:
Anything really, I've discovered I like just about any movie, as long as it has a good plot, or at least good special effects :)
Favorite TV Shows:
Well, I really don't watch TV, but I do own the first 3 seasons of the Soprano's on DVD. GREAT FREAKIN SHOW. Carnivale & Entourage are also favorites of mine. Good job HBO!
Here Are Some Of My Personal Pics. :)
That's really all there is to say now, so TTYL!! :)
Links to other sites on the
This is my friend Shaun's
Homepage. Lot's of KewL Stuph, especially about Dungeons and Dragons
Here is a
link to my loser friend Josh's page. :) Enjoy! :)
This is my friend
Kate's page. :) Full of 'interesting' stuph. :)
This is Farielove's page. She's a good friend of mine.
Breakdancing Transformers.